Server properties - randomblink/PocketMine-MP GitHub Wiki is the file which stores the settings for the Server.

If you are going to edit it is important that you use the same structure as the original Minecraft uses, although the order of the lines is arbitrary. The text before the equal sign is the key, which you shouldn't change. The text after the equal sign is the property's value, which you can edit. Lines that begin with # are comments - altering or removing these lines has no effect on the game.

As of the Development release 19aa4bd5, you can set those options through the command line. Example: ./ PocketMine-MP.php --port=19135 --max-players=15 --pvp=off

Server Properties

Key Type Default Value Description
allow-flight boolean false Allows users to use flight on your server while in Survival mode, if they have a mod that provides flight installed. If enabled, they will be kicked after flying for 5 seconds. Disabling this will remove the player speed limit.
difficulty integer (0-3) 1 Level of difficulty of the game, Survival/Adventure mode only. 0 => Peaceful, 1 => Easy, 2 => Normal, 3 => Hard
enable-query boolean true Enables the GameSpy4 UT3 Query Protocol server listener. Used to get information about the server. It'll listen on the same port as the server (using the same UDP interface).
enable-rcon boolean false RCON is a protocol to allow remote access to the server console. It'll listen y default on the same port as the server, but using TCP. You can also set the rcon.port, rcon.threads and rcon.clients-per-thread properties, but you'll have to manually add them.
rcon.password string random value The password that RCON will check. And empty string will cause all the requests to be refused.
gamemode integer (0-3) 0 Defines the mode of gameplay. 0 => Survival, 1 => Creative, 2 => Adventure, 3 => Spectator
generator-settings string blank The settings used to customize Superflat world generation. See Superflat on the MC Wiki for possible settings and examples.
hardcore boolean false If enabled, players will be permanently banned if they die.
level-name string world Default world name. If it doesn't exist, the server will create a new one using the Default generator.
level-seed string blank A seed for your world.
level-type string DEFAULT Determines the type of map that is generated. DEFAULT => Standard world, FLAT => A flat world
max-players integer 20 The maximum number of players that can play on the server at the same time.
server-type string normal Defines server type shown in server list. normal, minecon
server-name string Minecraft: PE Server Server name in the Client server list.
description string Server made using PocketMine-MP Marquee shown in the Client server list.
motd string Welcome @player to this server! Message that is sent to welcome a player.
pvp boolean true Enable PvP on the server, allowing players to damage each other directly.
server-ip string blank Set this if you want the server to bind to a particular IP. It is strongly recommended that you leave server-ip blank!
server-port integer (1-65534) 19132 Port that the server will listen on. Note that the client will only show servers on the range 19132-19135. To be accesible over the internet, this port must be forwarded if the server is hosted in a network using NAT (If you have a home router/firewall).
server-usage boolean true Sends anonymous usage data to, including the release version, online users and OS (Win, Linux, Mac). These are shown here.
spawn-animals boolean true Determines if animals will be able to spawn. Random spawns will be implemented in the future.
spawn-monsters boolean true Determines if monsters will be able to spawn. Random spawns will be implemented in the future.
spawn-protection integer 16 Determines the radius of the spawn protection. Only OPs will be able to place/break blocks inside. Note: Setting this to 0 will not disable spawn protection. 0 will protect the single block at the spawn point. You can disable this using -1 as the value.
view-distance integer 10 Sets the amount of world data the server sends the client, measured in chunks in each direction of the player.
white-list boolean false Enables or disables whitelisting.
upnp-forwarding boolean false Only available on Windows. Tries UPnP automatic port forwarding.
memory-limit integer (plus unit suffix) 128M Maximum memory that the server will allocate. The server won't work correctly with less than 128M
debug integer 1 Changes the log output. Max output level is 4