MVP List - ralles-liu/sackforce GitHub Wiki

Sackforce, a slack clone, is a messaging app that allows users to communicate with each other in private or group channels.

1. Hosting on Heroku

2. New account creation/log-in authentication

  • Users can sign-in or make a new account (following specific criteria)
  • Users can only use certain features while logged in, and can log out freely
  • Users can access a demo log-in to test all the functionalities of Sackforce

3. Channels

  • A user can create a "channel" (becoming the admin of the channel) which functions similar to a group chat
  • Your channels appear on the left in a 'navbar'
  • The admin can add other users to the channel who all have the ability to communicate freely in the chat (THIS IS THE LIVE CHAT I BELIEVE)
  • All the functionalities of a LIVE CHAT should be applicable here
  • Has title and description and no limit to number of participants, also could be public/private
  • Navbar on the right is where the description lives along with other ancillary details

4. Live Chat

  • THIS IS THE CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF "CHAT" (the window itself)
  • A window that either sits in the channel or in a DM where users can send messages
  • Users can scroll up to see historic messages (up on until a date point?)
  • Users can interact with messages: save (don't need this), emoji, reply, share
    • Can reply on replies (creates a thread)

5. Direct Message

  • Has a LIVE CHAT and appears in the left navbar in its own section
  • Can only be with one other person
  • When you go to see details of the chat its just the other persons detail

6. Teams or multi-person DM

  • Similar to a channel but has a limit to number of participants and it seems like you can only add people at the inception of the chat
  • Also has a LIVE CHAT and I assume appears in the left navbar section

7. Production README

  • Tells the user how your app works

8. Search messages, channel, DM, user (BONUS)

  • Top level search bar where you can find channel, DM, or user
  • Within each live chat can search for message