Use Case Details - raisanusrat222/Metro-Rail-Project GitHub Wiki

Title: Check train schedule

Actor: Passenger


  • Passenger enters the metro-rail home page
  • Passenger finds the option named “train schedule” on the navigation bar of the homepage
  • Passenger clicks on that option and it takes them to a page where he/she can view the information of their source and destination
  • System shows the basic information of that train and also shows the arrival time at the source station and reaching time at the destination.


  • Passengers have internet connection and device
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage
  • Passengers are familiar with web browsing and can interact with website
  • Passenger have basic knowledge of online payment method and have a card or a mobile banking number


  • Successful: Passenger can check the train schedule with names so that they can know the metro-rail timetable
  • Unsuccessful: Due to wrong password, network error or heavy traffics, passengers can’t check the train schedule


  • Due to Database related issues or System error, user may fail to check the train schedule

Title: Purchase Ticket

Actor: Passenger


  • Passenger chooses an option named “Buy Tickets” on the navigation bar of the homepage
  • Passenger is shown a page for their ticket purchase, allowing them to provide some information(source, destination, trip date)
  • Passenger enters his name, email address, phone number
  • System validates the passenger information
  • Passenger selects a payment method
  • System validates the payment details.
  • System creates a ticket number for validity
  • Passenger gets the soft copy of ticket and a confirmation SMS/email
  • Passenger has to print the soft copy of the ticket


  • Passengers have internet connection and device
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage
  • Passengers are familiar with web browsing and can interact with the website


  • Successful: Passenger can purchase a ticket successfully
  • Unsuccessful: Due to wrong password, network error or heavy traffics, passenger can’t buy the ticket


  • User gives the wrong email address/phone number
  • User has insufficient balance
  • Due to Database related issues or System error, user may fail to buy a ticket

Title: Check train information

Actor: Passenger


  • Passengers enters the metro rail homepage
  • Passenger find an option named “About Us” on the navigation bar of the homepage
  • Passenger click on that option and can read about the security and environment of the metro rail
  • System provides some pictures of the inside and outside of train
  • Passenger is ensured about their traveling safety by metro rail.


  • Passengers have internet connection and device
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage
  • Passengers are familiar with web browsing and can interact with website


  • Successful: Passenger can view check the information about the metro rail
  • Unsuccessful: Due to network error or heavy traffics, passengers will unable to see the information


  • Due to Database related issues or System error, user may fail to check the train information

Title: Cancel Ticket

Actor: Passenger


  • Passenger chooses an option named “Cancel Tickets” on the navigation bar of the homepage
  • Passenger is shown a page for their ticket cancelling, allowing them to provide some information(ticket number)
  • System validates the passenger ticket number
  • Passenger gets the soft copy of ticket cancelling slip.
  • Passenger has to print the soft copy of that ticket, and they can get a full refund by showing that slip. And if they cancel the tickets before two days of the train schedule, otherwise they will get half.


  • Passengers have internet connection and device
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage
  • Passengers are familiar with web browsing and can interact with website
  • At least one passenger bought a ticket before and has a valid ticket number


  • Successful: Passenger can cancel a ticket successfully.
  • Unsuccessful: Due to network error or heavy traffics, passenger will unable to cancel the ticket Exception:
  • Passenger provides wrong ticket number
  • Passenger doesn’t have a valid ticket number/ticket is expired

Title: Login

Actors: Passenger, Employee, Administrator


  • Passengers, Employees and Administrators will reach to homepage
  • They will find the Login option on Homepage
  • They will Log in to the system using their Username and Password
  • Passengers who have premium membership will see Premium member page after Login
  • Employees will see ticket selling tab and ticket checking option after login
  • Administrators will see selling history, feedbacks, complains and other information related to the system after Login.


  • Passenger , Employees and Administrator to have internet connectivity and device
  • Passenger, Employees and Administrator to have registered account with valid Username and Password.
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage


  • Login Successful: Successful login to the site for respective actors
  • Login Unsuccessful: Due to wrong Username, Password or Network error actor will be unable to Log into the system.


  • Due to Database related issues or System error, actors may fail to Log in.

Title: Register

Actors: Passenger, Administrator


  • Passengers and Administrators will reach to homepage
  • They will find the Register option on Homepage
  • They will register for an account by providing required personal and security information.
  • They will choose a unique Username and Password for themselves for login in future.
  • Administrators will register for employee accounts and provide the Username and Password to them.
  • Passengers and Administrator will get registration confirmation through SMS or Email.
  • Passengers will achieve Premium member status after successful registration.


  • Passenger , Employees and Administrator to have internet connectivity and device
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage
  • Actors to have Valid NID, Address and Mobile Number or Email account.


  • Successful: Successful Registration of an account for respective actors. They will receive confirmation email or sms.
  • Unsuccessful: Due to wrong or invalid Personal information or because of providing information in wrong format actors will be unable to Register.


  • Due to Database related issues or System error, actors may fail to Register.

Tittle: Get Premium Membership

Actor: Passenger


  • Passengers will reach the home page.
  • They will find the register option from the home page.
  • They will find ‘Get Premium Membership’ option in the registration page.
  • They will register for a premium account by providing required personal and security information.
  • They will choose a unique Username and Password for themselves for login in future.
  • They will select a package from monthly, half-yearly or yearly deal in comparison to the regular purchase of tickets.
  • They will provide with their NID information for security concerns.
  • They will select a payment method for their selected deal.
  • System will verify the payment details.
  • Passengers will receive a membership status and a reusable E-ticket for the specified time of their selected package.


  • Passengers have to have internet connection and device
  • URL of registration Page or Access to Homepage
  • Passengers are familiar with web browsing and can interact with website
  • Passengers have to have Valid NID, Address and Mobile Number or Email account.
  • Passengers have to select a package from the deal.


  • Successful: Passengers will have a premium membership
  • Unsuccessful: Due to wrong Username, Password, NID, network error or transaction error, passenger will be unable to get a premium membership


  • User provide wrong information
  • User may face server issue

Title: Apply for premium card.

Actor: Passenger


  • Passenger will reach the home page
  • They will find the Login option on Homepage
  • They will Log in to the system using their Username and Password
  • They will find the ‘Apply for Premium Card’ option in their premium member page
  • They will apply for the membership card by providing basic information
  • The administration will verify the application
  • The administration will send conformation Email/SMS to the passenger


  • Passengers have to have internet connectivity and device
  • Passengers have to have registered premium account with valid Username and Password.
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage
  • Valid information for the application


  • Successful: The passenger will get an electronic membership card.
  • Unsuccessful: Due to network error or server issue, passenger may not get to apply for the membership card.


  • Passenger provides wrong information

Title: Post Complains and Feedback

Actor: Passenger


  • Passengers will reach the home page
  • They will find the ‘Post Complains and Feedback’ option from the home page
  • Passengers who have a membership account will directly post their complain or feedback by login in to their account
  • Passengers who doesn’t have an account will proceed with ‘general passenger’ option and post their complain or feedback with providing their name and contact number


  • Passengers have to have internet connection and device
  • URL of registration Page or Access to Homepage


  • Successful: Passengers will post their complains or feedback
  • Unsuccessful: Passengers will not be able to post their complains or feedback.

Exception: User may face server issue

Title: Check Fair Chart

Actor: Passenger


  • Passengers will reach the home page
  • They will find the ‘Fair Chart’ option from navigation bar of the home page
  • They will see the price of ticket for each route or destination of each train


  • Passengers have to have internet connection and device
  • URL of registration Page or Access to Homepage


  • Successful: Passengers will see the fair chart
  • Unsuccessful: Passengers will not be able to see the fair chart.

Exception: User may face server issue

Title: Receive Confirmation

Actors: Passenger


  • Passenger will receive Email or SMS for confirmation when they open Premium account or apply for Premium card.


  • Passenger must have an email address or phone number
  • Passenger must register to the system.


  • Passenger will receive SMS or Email as confirmation.


  • Passenger may not receive SMS or Email due to System error.

Title: Pay Online

Actors: Passenger


  • While Purchasing Ticket, Passenger will use mobile banking platform or card to pay for the ticket.
  • To get Premium deal, Passengers will use mobile banking platform or card to pay for the premium deal.


  • Passenger must have account or balance on mobile banking platform or bank account.


  • Passenger will successfully pay for their ticket or premium deals and receive confirmation SMS or Email.


  • Due to system error or insufficient balance, Passenger may fail to pay online.

Title: Check Complains and Feedback

Actor: Administrator


  • Administrator will reach the home page.
  • They will Log in to the system using their Username and Password.
  • They will find the ‘Check Complains and Feedback’ option from the home page,
  • System shows the comments and feedback that passengers has been posted on the site.


*Administrators have internet connection and device

  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage
  • Administrators are familiar with web browsing and can interact with website.
  • At least one passenger need to complain or give feedback on the site.


  • Successful: Administrator can check the comments and feedbacks of the passengers about their experiences.
  • Unsuccessful: Administrator will not be able to check the comments and feedbacks.


  • Users may face server issues.

Title: Check Ticket Selling History

Actor: Administrator


  • Administrator will reach the home page.
  • They will Log in to the system using their Username and Password.
  • They will find the ‘Check Ticket Selling History’ option from the home page.
  • Administrator clicks on that option and it takes them to a page where they can view how many tickets of each trains has been purchased by passengers.


  • Administrators have internet connection and device
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage
  • Administrators are familiar with web browsing and can interact with website.
  • At least one passenger need to buy a ticket with a valid ticket number.


  • Successful: Administrators can view check the selling history of the tickets.
  • Unsuccessful: Due to network error or heavy traffics, administrators will unable to see the selling history of the tickets.


  • Due to Database related issues or System error, user may fail to check the ticket selling history.

Title: Check Ticket Validation

Actor: Employee


  • Employee will reach the home page.
  • They will Log in to the system using their Username and Password.
  • They will find the ‘Check Ticket Validation’ option from the home page.
  • System will ask the ticket number for validation checking whereas it’s valid for that specific date or not.


  • Employees have internet connection and device.
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage.
  • Employees are familiar with web browsing and can interact with website.
  • Employees need any kind of ticket number to check for validation.


  • Successful: Employees can check the validation of the ticket using ticket number.
  • Unsuccessful: Due to network error or heavy traffics, employees will unable to check the validation of the tickets.


  • Users may face server issues.

Title: Sell Ticket

Actor: Employee


  • Employee will reach the home page.
  • They will Log in to the system using their Username and Password.
  • They will find the ‘Sell Ticket’ option from the home page.
  • Employee enters destination information of the passengers on the tab.
  • System creates a ticket number for validity.
  • Passenger clear the payment.
  • System print the soft copy of the ticket.
  • Passenger gets the hard copy of ticket.


  • Employees have internet connection and device.
  • URL of Login Page or Access to Homepage.
  • Employees are familiar with web browsing and can interact with website.


  • Successful: Employees can sell tickets successfully
  • Unsuccessful: Due to wrong password, network error or heavy traffics, employees unable log-in into the site as well as unable to sell tickets.


  • User gives the wrong email address/password.
  • Due to Database related issues or System error, user may fail to sell ticket
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