Meeting Minutes 1 - raisanusrat222/Metro-Rail-Project GitHub Wiki

Date/Location: 10th November, 2021 on Google Meet.

Attendees: Mohammad Fahim Hassan (MFH), Raisa Nusrat Chowdhury (RNC), Arshaduzzaman Fahim (AZF), Fowzia Ali Ria (FAR)

Start Time: 8.30pm

End Time: 9.20pm


  • The team decided to build "Metro rail management platform" as project.
  • The team selected Python as programming Language for this project.
  • The team selected django as framework.


  • Opening a trello board for task management of this project.
  • Opening slack workspace for better communication between team members.
  • Opening a Github respiratory and invite all the group members.
Actions Allocated Team Member Deadline
Opening Trello Board MFH 11/11/2021
Opening Slack Workspace MFH 11/11/2021
Opening Github respiratory RNC 11/11/2021
Writing Introduction in SRS FAR 15/11/2021
Writing Overall Description in SRS RNC 15/11/2021
Writing Functional Requirements in SRS MFH 15/11/2021
Writing Non-Functional Requirements in SRS AZF 15/11/2021