Meeting Minutes 6 - raisanusrat222/Metro-Rail-Project GitHub Wiki

Date/Location: 27-Dec -2021, Google meet

Attendees: Mohammad Fahim Hassan (MFH), Raisa Nusrat Chowdhury (RNC), Arshaduzzaman Fahim (AZF), Fowzia Ali Ria (FAR)

Start Time: 7.00 pm End Time: 8:00 pm


  • 'unittest' which is a built in standard library module of Python, is selected as unit testing tool for this project.


  • Assigning each member to perform unit test on one feature they are working on.
Actions Allocated Members Deadline
Unit test on "Complain Box" Feature MFH 01/01/2022
Unit test on "Login" Feature RNC 01/01/2022
Unit test on "Register" Feature AZF 01/01/2022
Unit test on "Sell Ticket" Feature FAR 01/01/2022