Meeting Agenda 2 - raisanusrat222/Metro-Rail-Project GitHub Wiki

Date/Location: 14-November-2021 at 7.00 pm in Google meet.

Information Updates/Reminders


• The next 6-8 weeks, we are going to work on a project.

• Everyone should be updating their progress on git, github wiki’s, Trello, Slack.

• We have to submit the coding standards and documentation tool(s) by 18th November 2021.

Decisions Needed


• Decision about which team member(s) will research on coding standers and which team member(s) will research on documentation tool(s).

• Decision about completing the SRS and if any team member(s) needs to add or change something to their task's current progress.

General Items


• Allocate one/two team members to check coding standards. They should come up with at-least 2 coding standards.

• Allocate one/two team members to check documentation tool(s). They should come up with at-least 1/2 tools (with brief summary of the usage, advantages and disadvantages) for source code level documentation.