CanCan: remove associated action buttons in forms - railsadminteam/rails_admin GitHub Wiki
Help: i dont feel too confident about my ruby-skills. Please help improving this article by improving the source where needed, thanks
In order to remove the "Add new"/"Edit" buttons for associated Models in the form without removing the ability to manage those associated models, cancan helps out well.
Example: a User can :manage Authors and Books, but must not be able to :manage authors while in Books-Edit form
The idea is pretty simple:
cannot [:create,:update], Model unless current_model == Model
The default CanCan AuthorizationAdapter however does not inform the Ability-Class about the current view/model, that is why it needs to be overwritten.
mkdir -p lib/rails_admin/extensions/cancan/
cd lib/rails_admin/extensions/cancan/;
This file, contains the ControllerExtension-Module, cloned from RailsAdmins original CanCan AuthorizationAdapter, except for the 2nd Parameter in, which represents the current displayed model you want to edit.
This gist contains:
module RailsAdmin
module Extensions
module CanCan
class AuthorizationAdapter
module ControllerExtension
def current_ability
@current_ability ||=, self.params["model_name"])
the CanCan configuration will remain the same, except for loading the updated authorization_adapter.rb.
require Rails.root.join('lib/rails_admin/extensions/cancan/authorization_adapter')
RailsAdmin.config do |config|
I load the authorization_adapter here, since i find it belongs to rails_admins configuration, which i dont want to have "all over the app".
The only mandatory update is to add a further parameter to the initialize method, named like request_model. It is the Model-Class you are viewing,editing in RailsAdmin.
My Example from above was: "a User can :manage Authors and Books, but should not be able to manage Autors while in Books-Edit form"
this can result in something like:
class Ability
include CanCan::Ability
def initialize(user, request_model)
if user
can :access, :rails_admin
can :dashboard
can :manage, :all
# For all Models we have, forbid create and update
# but dont forbid :manage, in order to keep it in
# navigation if not excluded by rails_admin config
ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |m|
cannot [:create, :update], m unless request_model ==
end if request_model
# a manual way can look like this :
# cannot [:create, :update], Author if request_model == "books"
# cannot [:create, :update], Book if request_model == "author"
cannot :access, :rails_admin
Thats it, now the Edit/Create associated Model-buttons are gone, but the Model remains in the Navigation. This is quite usefull if a User may create associations with models which are excluded via rails_admin config