Polonius Editor - rail5/polonius GitHub Wiki
% polonius-editor(1) Version 1.0 | Manual for the Polonius Editor
polonius-editor - sequentially executes editing instructions on a file
polonius-editor ./file -a "INSERT 0 hello world"
polonius-editor ./file -a "INSERT 0 abc; 10 def; 20 ghi"
polonius-editor ./file -a "REMOVE 0 5"
polonius-editor ./file -a "REPLACE 0 salut a tous\nAnd hello" --special-chars
polonius-editor ./file -a "INSERT end hello world" -a "REMOVE 0 5" -a "REPLACE 0 salut a tous"
-i / --input
Specify file to edit
The file can also be specified without the '-i' option
-a / --add-instruction
Instruct the program on how to edit your file
Example instructions:
REPLACE 5 hello world
(Replaces text, starting from character #5, with "hello world")
INSERT 7 salut a tous
(Inserts "salut a tous" at character #7, shifting the rest of the file without replacing it)
(Removes characters #9 to #15 from the file)
The 'end' keyword can also be used in place of absolute positions, and refers always to the end of the file.
Multiple instructions of the same *type* can be combined into a single line, by separating them with semicolons. As in:
REPLACE 0 abc; 10 def; 20 ghi
If you want to input a literal semicolon, it must be escaped (so that it won't be mistaken for the delimiter). As in:
INSERT 0 the \; symbol
-s / --add-instruction-sequence
Provide a sequence of multiple instructions for editing the file
Each instruction in the sequence should be on its own line, as in the following example:
--add-instruction-sequence "REPLACE 20 hello world
INSERT 50 hello again; 100 finally goodbye
REMOVE 70 75"
-f / --add-instruction-file
Have Polonius read its instructions from a file
The file should be formatted just like an ordinary instruction sequence (see above). Usage example:
--add-instruction-file ./instructions.txt
-c / --special-chars
Interpret escaped character sequences (\n, \t, \\, and \x00 - \xFF)
-b / --block-size
Specify the maximum amount of data we can load from the file into memory at any given time
Defaults to 10 kilobytes if not specified
-v / --verbose
Verbose mode
-V / --version
Print version number
-h / --help
Display help menu
Specifying the "Block Size" tells Polonius how much data from the file we're willing to load into memory at once.
The default value (if unspecified) is 10 kilobytes
The block size can be specified with the -b option, in the formats:
1. `-b 15` (This would set the block size to 15 bytes)
2. `-b 16K` (This would set the block size to 16 kilobytes)
3. `-b 17M` (This would set the block size to 17 megabytes)
And of course, the example numbers '15', '16', and '17' can be swapped for any arbitrary number
This option is common to both polonius-reader and polonius-editor
Setting the "special characters" flag tells Polonius to process escaped character sequences. Polonius will process \n
, \t
, \\
, and \x00
through \xFF
The special characters flag can be set with the -c option.
Setting the "verbose" flag tells Polonius to let you in on what it's doing as it's making edits to the file.
The verbose flag can be set with the -v option.
Here is some example output from Polonius with the verbose flag set:
$ polonius-editor ./file --verbose --add-instruction-sequence \
> "INSERT 0 hello world
> REMOVE 0 5
> REMOVE 10 10
> REPLACE 0 hello
> REPLACE 0 goodbye123
> INSERT 10 4"
Set file to ./file
Adjusted file length to 18
Moved 6 bytes to position #11 for INSERT instruction
Executed INSERT instruction (0, hello world)
Moved 11 bytes to position #0 for REMOVE instruction
Executed REMOVE instruction (0, 6)
Executed REMOVE instruction (10, 11)
Executed REPLACE instruction (0, hello)
Executed REPLACE instruction (0, goodbye123)
Executed INSERT instruction (10, 4)
Instructions are provided using either:
The --add-instruction / -a option
The --add-instruction-sequence / -s option
Valid instruction types are: INSERT, REMOVE, and REPLACE. Instruction types are not case-sensitive.
INSERT instructions are used to insert text into the file without deleting pre-existing text.
The format for an insert instruction is:
INSERT start-position text to insert
For example, INSERT 0 hello world
will insert the phrase "hello world" at position 0 (the start of the file). If the file previously contained:
Then it will now contain:
hello worldABC123
Insert instructions will fail (and give an error) if the start position is less than zero, or is beyond the end of the file
The 'end' keyword can also be used in place of an absolute start position. For example, INSERT end goodbye world
will place "goodbye world" at the end of the file. If we were working on the same ABC123
file as before, it would now contain:
ABC123goodbye world
REMOVE instructions are used to delete text from the file.
The format for a remove instruction is:
REMOVE start-position end-position
For example, REMOVE 0 5
will remove characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. If the file previously contained:
hello worldABC123
Then it will now contain:
To remove only one character, make the start-position and end-position exactly the same.
For instance, running REMOVE 0 0
will delete the first character of the file. Running REMOVE 1 1
will delete the second character, etc
Remove instructions will fail (and give an error) if:
- The start position is less than zero
- The end position is lower than the start position
- Either position is beyond the end of the file
The 'end' keyword can also be used in place of an absolute start or end position. For example, in the file containing:
If we ran REMOVE end end
, the file would now contain:
It would remove the last character of the file. On the other hand, if we ran REMOVE 1 end
, we would remove everything after the very first character, and the file would now contain only:
And of course running REMOVE 0 end
would remove everything.
REPLACE instructions are used to replace existing text in the file without changing the file size.
Replace instructions are by far the fastest operations Polonius can perform, and do not require storing anything from the file in memory. They should be used in preference to Removes or Inserts wherever possible.
The format for a replace instruction is:
REPLACE start-position new text to go in its place
For example, REPLACE 0 hello
will replace the first batch of characters with the world "hello". Specifically, it will replace characters 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4* with "h", "e", "l", "l", and "o". If the file previously contained:
Then it will now contain:
Replace instructions will fail (and give an error) if the start or end of the replacement text is beyond the end of the file.
For example, if the instruction REPLACE 0 goodbye12345
was run on our example file (which contains helloABC12
), the instruction would fail, because the replacement text is longer than the text actually in the file -- there's not enough in the file to replace! Our replacement text ("goodbye12345") extends beyond the current bounds of the file. Instead, we should run two instructions:
- First,
REPLACE 0 goodbye123
(replacing what can be replaced) - Then,
INSERT 10 45
The 'end' keyword can also be used in place of an absolute start position. For example, if our file contained:
And we ran the instruction REPLACE end world
, the file would now contain:
We would be replacing the last n characters of the file with "w", "o", "r", "l", "d" (in this case, 5 characters, replacing "1", "2", "3", "4", "5")