Hashtags - raeleus/Hashtag-DnD GitHub Wiki

The following are the hashtags that players are allowed to use. Parameters listed inside of parentheses are optional.

Basic Hashtags

These hashtags do not require a character to be specified.

#roll (advantage|disadvantage) (dice_value) Rolls a die/dice and shows the result. dice_value can be in the following formats 5d20 or d20 or 20. The parameters can be listed in any order.

#generatename (male|female) (fantasy|modern|scifi|nordic) Synonyms: name, randomname, makename, createname Retrieves a random name from a list of names in the specified gender and genre. The parameters can be listed in any order.

#shownotes Synonyms: notes, viewnotes Shows all the notes.

#note (message) Synonyms: takenote, setnote, createnote, remember Adds the specified message as a note. If the message is not specified, the last action's text will be saved as a note. Keep in mind that player adventures have a limited amount of state storage (an unspecified amount) so avoid saving too many notes. Quotes are not necessary.

#clearnotes Removes all notes.

#removenote value Synonyms: erasenote, deletenote, cancelnote Removes the specified note as indicated by the number listed in #shownotes. To delete multiple notes, type the numbers with spaces or commas between them. This is safer than calling #removenote multiple times because the numbers shift as notes are deleted.


These hashtags require a character to be specified.

#setup Synonyms: create, generate, start, begin, party, member, new Launches the create character setup.

#bio Synonyms: biography, summary, character, charactersheet, statsheet Shows the character's abilities, skills, spells, inventory, and everything else about this character.

#renamecharacter new_name Synonyms: renameperson Renames the character to the new name. All abilities, skills, inventory, etc. will remain the same. Quotes are not necessary.

#clonecharacter new_name Synonyms: clone, cloneperson, copycharacter, copyperson, duplicatecharacter, duplicateperson, dupecharacter, dupeperson Copies the abilities, skills, inventory, etc. of the current character to a new character with the name new_name. Quotes are not necessary.

#setclass class Synonyms: class Sets the class of the character for player reference. Quotes are not necessary.

#setsummary summary Synonyms: summary Sets the summary of the character for player reference. Quotes are not necessary.

#sethealth value Sets the character's health to specified value. It's capped at the character's max health.

#heal value Synonyms: mend, restore Increases the character's health by the specified value. It's capped at the character's max health.

#healparty value or dice_roll Synonyms: healcharacters Increases the health of all party characters' by the specified value or dice_roll.

#damage value or dice_roll (enemy) Synonyms: hurt, harm, injure Decreases the enemy's health by the specified damage or dice_roll. If an enemy isn't specified, the character calling the command is damaged. Reaching 0 causes the character to become "unconscious". Quotes are not necessary.

#setac value Synonyms: setac, setarmorclass, ac, armorclass Sets the armor class of the character. The default is 10

#rest Synonyms: longrest, shortrest, sleep, nap Sets all of the characters' health to their maximums. Use #shortrest to only restore half health. This command increases the day counter and displays the number of days since your adventure began.

#showday Synonyms: showdate, day, date Shows the number of days since your adventure began.

#setday Synonyms: setdate Sets the number of days since your adventure began.

#setxp value Synonyms: setexperience, setexp, setexperiencepoints Sets the character's experience to the specified value.

#addxp (party) value Synonyms: addexperience, addexp, addexperiencepoints, experience, exp, gainxp, gainexperience, xp, experiencepoints Increases the character's experience by the specified value. The player is notified if there is a level up. If the parameter party is specified, xp will be added to the entire party instead. Parameters can be listed in any order.

#setautoxp value Synonyms: autoxp Automatically increases the experience of all party members when a #try, #attack, or #cast is called. The amount of experience is scaled based on the difficulty class of the check with any check 20 or higher will result in the maximum specified by value. Set to 0 to disable.

#showautoxp Shows the value of the auto xp.

#levelup Synonyms: level Increases the character's experience by the exact amount needed to reach the next level.

#setdefaultdifficulty (difficulty_class or effortless|easy|medium|hard|impossible) Synonyms: defaultdifficulty, setdefaultdc, defaultdc, setdefaultac, defaultac, setdifficulty, difficulty, dc Sets the default difficulty for #check, #try, #attack, and #cast when a difficulty is not specified. The normal default is 10 (easy). If you do not pass any parameters, the default will be set to 10 (easy).

#showdefaultdifficulty Synonyms: defaultdifficulty, setdefaultdc, defaultdc, setdefaultac, defaultac, setdifficulty, difficulty, dc Shows the default difficulty for #check, #try, #attack, and #cast when a difficulty is not specified. The normal default is 10 (easy).

#showcharacters Synonyms: showparty, showteam, characters, party, team Lists all current characters and their classes/summaries.

#removecharacter name Synonyms: deletecharacter, erasecharacter Removes the character that has the indicated name.

Character Checks

These hashtags require a character to be specified.

#check (ability|skill) (advantage|disadvantage) (difficulty_class or effortless|easy|medium|hard|impossible) Synonyms: checkstat, checkstatistic, checkattribute, checkability, checkskill, skillcheck, abilitycheck Rolls a d20 and compares the result (modified by the character's ability/skill) to the specified difficulty. The parameters can be listed in any order.

#try (ability|skill) (advantage|disadvantage) (difficulty_class or effortless|easy|medium|hard|impossible) task Synonyms: tryto, tries, triesto, attempt, attemptto, attemptsto, do Attempts to do the task based on the character's ability/skill against the specified difficulty. The parameters can be listed in any order, except that the task needs to be last. Quotes are not necessary.

#attack (ranged) (advantage|disadvantage) (ac or effortless|easy|medium|hard|impossible) target Synonyms: strike, ambush, assault, fireat, fireon Attacks the specified target with a melee (the default) or ranged attack. The roll is compared against the specified AC which will determine if the attack succeeds or misses. If the AC is not specified, the default AC or the AC of the opponent in combat will be used. The parameters can be listed in any order, except the target must be listed last. Quotes are not necessary.

#cast (advantage|disadvantage) (difficulty_class or effortless|easy|medium|hard|impossible) spell (target) Synonyms: castspell, castmagic, castincantation, castritual, castsspell, castsmagic, castsincantation, castsritual Character will cast the indicated spell if the spell is in their spellbook. It will be a targeted spell if a target is indicated. The roll is modified by the spell casting ability of the character. You may type a phrase without quotes for spell such as "cast fire bolt at the giant chicken". If the difficulty is not specified, the default difficulty or the AC of the opponent in combat will be used. The parameters can be listed in any order, except the target must be listed last. Quotes are not necessary.


These hashtags require a character to be specified.

#setability ability value Synonyms: setstat, setstatistic, setattribute, changestat, changestatistic, changeattribute, changeability, updatestat, updatestatistic, updateattribute, updateability, stat, attribute, ability Adds the ability to the character if necessary and sets it to the specified value. Quotes are required for abilities with spaces.

#showabilities Synonyms: showstats, stats, viewstats, abilities, viewabilities, showstatistics, statistics, viewstatistics, showattributes, attributes, viewattributes Shows the character's list of abilities.

#removeability ability Synonyms: removestat, deletestat, cancelstat, deleteability, cancelAbility, removestatistic, deletestatistic, cancelstatistic, removeattribute, deleteattribute, cancelattribute Removes the ability from the character's list of abilities. Quotes are not necessary.

#clearabilities Synonyms: clearstats, clearstatistics, clearattributes Removes all abilities from the character.

#setspellability ability Synonyms: setspellstat, setspellstatistic, setspellcastingability, changespellstat, changespellstatistic, changespellability, changespellcastingability Sets the ability that affects the modifier for #cast. Quotes are not necessary.

#setmeleeability ability Synonyms: setmeleestat, setmeleestatistic, changemeleestat, changemeleestatistic, changemeleeability Sets the character's ability modifier that affects melee attacks. Quotes are not necessary.

#setrangedability ability Synonyms: setrangedstat, setrangedstatistic, changerangedstat, changerangedstatistic, changerangedability Sets the character's ability modifier that affects ranged attacks. Quotes are not necessary.


#setskill skill (ability) value Synonyms: changeskill, updateskill, skill Adds the skill to the character if necessary, and associates it with the specified ability and value. The ability is optional only if this is an existing skill. New skills need an ability specified.

#showskills Synonyms: skills Shows the character's list of skills

#removeskill Synonyms: deleteskill, cancelskill Removes the skill from the character's list of skills.

#clearskills Removes all skills from the character.


These hashtags require a character to be specified.

#take (quantity) item Synonyms: steal, get, grab, receive, loot Adds the specified quantity of item to the character's inventory. If a quantity is omitted, it's assumed to be 1. The words the, a, and an are ignored. Quotes are not necessary.

#buy (buy_quantity) buy_item (sell_quantity) sell_item Synonyms: purchase, barter, trade, swap, exchange Adds the specified buy_quantity of the buy_item to the character's inventory and also removes the sell_quantity of sell_item. If quantities are omitted, they are assumed to be 1. Quotes are necessary for items with spaces in the name. The words for, with, the, a, and an are ignored.

#sell (sell_quantity) sell_item (buy_quantity) buy_item Just like #buy, but with the parameters reversed. Adds the specified buy_quantity of the buy_item to the character's inventory and also removes the sell_quantity of sell_item. If quantities are omitted, they are assumed to be 1. The words for, with, the, a, and an are ignored. Quotes are necessary for items with spaces in the name.

#drop (quantity or all|every) item Synonyms: remove, discard, leave, dispose, toss, throw, throwaway, trash, donate, eat, consume, use, drink, pay, lose Removes the specified quantity of item from the character's inventory. If a quantity is omitted, it's assumed to be 1. The words the, a, and an are ignored. Quotes are not necessary.

#give other_character (quantity or all|every) item Synonyms: handover, hand, gift Removes the quantity of item from the character's inventory and adds it to the other_character's inventory. If a quantity is omitted, it's assumed to be 1. The words the, a, and an are ignored. Quotes are not necessary for the item.

#renameitem original_name new_name Synonyms: renameobject, renamegear, renameequipment Renames the item indicated by original_name to the new_name. The quantity remains the same. Quotes are necessary for items with spaces in the name.

#inventory Synonyms: inv, backpack, gear, showinv, showinventory, viewinventory, viewinv Shows the items in the inventory of the character.

#clearinventory Synonyms: clearinv, emptyinventory, emptybackpack, clearbackpack, emptygear, cleargear Removes all items from the character's inventory.


These hashtags require a character to be specified.

#learnspell spell Synonyms: learnmagic, learnincantation, learnritual, memorizespell, memorizemagic, memorizeincantation, memorizeritual, learnsspell, learnsmagic, learnsincantation, learnsritual, memorizesspell, memorizesmagic, memorizesincantation, memorizesritual, learn Adds the specified spell to the character's spellbook. Creates a story card if necessary. Quotes are not necessary.

#forgetSpell spell Synonyms: forgetmagic, forgetincantation, forgetritual, forgetsspell, forgetsmagic, forgetsincantation, forgetsritual, deletespell, deletemagic, deleteincantation, deleteritual, deletesspell, deletesmagic, deletesincantation, deletesritual, cancelspell, cancelmagic, cancelincantation, cancelritual, cancelsspell, cancelsmagic, cancelsincantation, cancelsritual, removespell, removemagic, removeincantation, removeritual, removesspell, removesmagic, removesincantation, removesritual, forget Removes the specified spell from the character's spellbook. Quotes are not necessary.

#clearspells Synonyms: clearmagic, clearincantations, clearrituals, forgetallspells, forgetallmagic, forgetallincantation, forgetallritual Removes all spells from the character's spellbook.

#spellbook Synonyms: spells, listspells, showspells, spelllist, spellcatalog, spellinventory Shows the list of spells that the character has learned.

#spellshop (bard|cleric|druid|paladin|ranger|sorcerer|warlock|wizard) (level) (free) (all) Synonyms: spellstore This opens the spell shop where characters can spend gold to purchase new spells. The selection is randomized based on the day and on the character's class and spell level. Full casters, such as bards, clerics, druids, sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards, have spell levels from 0-9. Half casters, such as paladins and rangers, have spell levels from 1-5. Include the argument "free" to not require gold to purchase the spell. Include the argument "all" to list all available spells for that level. Otherwise, the list is randomized and a selection of lower level spells are included."


#setupenemy Synonyms: createenemy Follow prompts to create an enemy from a template or completely from scratch. It will be added to the existing encounter if there is one already specified.

#encounter (funny|easy|medium|hard|boss|god or cr) Synonyms: startencounter Generate an encounter from the specified list. If a list is not specified, it will default to "easy" You can instead provide a number as a challenge rating which will scale encounters from the appropriate list and scale their difficulty."

#showenemies Synonyms: enemies Shows the list of current enemies

#addenemy name health ac hitModifier damage initiative spells Adds the specified enemy to the list of enemies. health, ac, hitModifier, damage, and initiative can be numbers or dice rolls such as 3d6+5. Type the name in quotes if the name contains a space. The rest of the parameters can be a list of spells. Each spell must be typed in quotes if it has a space. If the spell does damage, write the name and damage roll in the following format: "Ray of Frost5d10"

#removeenemy name or index Removes the enemy as specified by the name or index. To delete multiple enemies, type the numbers with spaces or commas between them. This is safer than calling #removenote multiple times because the numbers shift as enemies are deleted. Quotes are not necessary.

#initiative Assigns initiative to all characters and enemies. This begins combat.

#turn Synonyms: doturn, taketurn Updates the turn to the next character in combat. If it is an enemy, the enemy will attack. If it's a player character, the system will allow the player to take their turn. If there are no enemies left or all the player characters are dead, combat ends.

#repeatturn Synonyms: repeat Repeats the turn. If it is currently an enemy's turn, it will attack or cast another spell again.

#block Synonyms: parry, nullify, invalidate Reverses the damage that has been inflicted in the last turn. This applies to damage on characters and enemies.

#flee (difficulty_class or automatic|effortless|easy|medium|hard|impossible) Synonyms: retreat, runaway, endcombat Attempt to flee from combat. If the difficulty is not specified, the default difficulty will be used instead.


These hashtags do not require a character to be specified. It is assumed the entire party is moved from one location to the other.

#createlocation [(x) (y) or (here|far) or (distance)] location_name Synonyms: makelocation, generatelocation, addlocation, setlocation, createplace, makeplace, generateplace, addplace, setplace, createtown, maketown, generatetown, addtown, settown, createvillage, makevillage, generatevillage, addvillage, setvillage, createcity, makecity, generatecity, addcity, setcity, updatelocation, updateplace, updatetown, updatevillage, updatecity Creates a location at the given coordinates. The coordinates must be integers. If the coordinates are not provided, they are randomized within a range of 10 units from the party's current location. You can also use "here" to indicate that the location is at party's coordinates. "far" indicates that the coordinates will be randomly generated 50-100 units away. You may also just specify a distance. Multiple locations may exist at the same coordinates. A story card is created for the location. Quotes are not necessary.

#goto (x) (y) or (location_name) or `(location_number) Synonyms: gotolocation, golocation, movetolocation, traveltolocation, travellocation, gotoplace, goplace, movetoplace, traveltoplace, travelplace, gototown, gotown, movetotown, traveltotown, traveltown, gotovillage, govillage, movetovillage, traveltovillage, travelvillage, gotocity, gocity, movetocity, traveltocity, travelcity, go, moveto, move, travelto, travel Makes the party travel to the location specified by the coordinates (as integers), location_name, or location_number. You must provide at least one of these. If the location does not exist, it is created at your current coordinates. If you only specify coordinates, you will go to the first location at those coordinates. Quotes are not necessary.

#goto distance location_name Synonyms: gotolocation, golocation, movetolocation, traveltolocation, travellocation, gotoplace, goplace, movetoplace, traveltoplace, travelplace, gototown, gotown, movetotown, traveltotown, traveltown, gotovillage, govillage, movetovillage, traveltovillage, travelvillage, gotocity, gocity, movetocity, traveltocity, travelcity, go, moveto, move, travelto, travel An alternative of the above. Travels the specified distance towards the location indicated by location name. Quotes are not necessary

#gonorth (distance) Synonyms: north, goup, up, n The party travels north the given distance (an integer). If distance is not specified, it is assumed to be 1.

#gosouth (distance) Synonyms: south, godown, down, s The party travels south the given distance (an integer). If distance is not specified, it is assumed to be 1.

#goeast (distance) Synonyms: east, goright, right, e The party travels east the given distance (an integer). If distance is not specified, it is assumed to be 1.

#gowest (distance) Synonyms: west, goleft, left, w The party travels west the given distance (an integer). If distance is not specified, it is assumed to be 1.

#getlocation Synonyms: location, getcoordinates, coordinates, getcoords, coords, showlocation Returns the coordinates that the party is at. It will also list a location if a location was specified when using #goto.

#showlocations (sort) Synonyms: showplaces, showtowns, showvillages, showcities, locations, places, towns, villages, cities Shows a list of all discovered locations with their coordinates and their distance from the party's current location. If the parameter "sort" is added, the locations will be listed by their distance to the party. Note that the location numbers will only be displayed in the unsorted list.

#removelocation location_name or location_number Synonyms: deletelocation, eraselocation, removeplace, deleteplace, eraseplace, removetown, deletetown, erasetown, removevillage, deletevillage, erasevillage, removecity, deletecity, erasecity Removes the specified location by location_name or location_number as listed in #showlocations. To delete multiple locations, type the numbers with spaces or commas between them. This is safer than calling #removenote multiple times because the numbers shift as locations are deleted. Quotes are not necessary.

#clearlocations Synonyms: eraselocations, deletelocations, resetlocations Deletes all discovered locations.

#map Synonyms: showmap Generates an 11x11 ASCII map of the surrounding locations centered at the party location. The @ symbol is the party location.

Stragedy Card Game

#basicdeck Synonyms: stragedybasicdeck The basic cards necessary to enjoy the Stragedy card game are added to the character's inventory.

#cardshop Synonyms: stragedyshop, cardstore, stragedystore This opens the stragedy card shop where characters can spend gold to purchase cards. The inventory is randomized based on the day.

#addcard (card_name or card_rarity) Adds the specified card or randomly generates a card and adds it to the character's inventory. Specifying a rarity (common, rare, epic, legendary) will choose a random card from those lists. Valid card names are a, ace, j, jack, q, queen, k, king, ?, joker, w, witch, p, priest, b, brigand, and any number 2-10.

#stragedy (automatic|effortless|easy|medium|hard|impossible) Synonyms: playgame, game, startgame, begingame, playcards, playstragedy, startstragedy, beginstragedy Initiates a game of Stragedy, a card game played against an AI opponent. Specifying a difficulty (default is easy) grants the opponent a corresponding deck. See the guide here.

Lockpicking Minigame

#lockpick (automatic|effortless|easy|medium|hard|impossible) Synonyms: lockpicking, codebreaker, pick, hack, hacking, mastermind Initiates a lockpicking minigame similar to Mastermind where you have to guess the correct combination with a limited number of tries in order to defeat a lock. Specifying a difficulty (default is easy) sets the number of combinations and tries accordingly. See the guide here.

Danger Zone

These hashtags do not require a character to be specified.

#reset Synonyms: cleandata, cleardata, resetdata, resetsettings, clearsettings, profile Removes all characters, locations, and notes. Changes all settings to their defaults. Use with caution!


These hashtags do not require a character to be specified.

#version Synonyms: ver, showversion Returns the current version of this scenario.

#help The long ass help menu with all the hashtags. I am paid by lines of codes.