Release process - racket/racket GitHub Wiki

This is a description of the current (post-split) release process. The Release Calendar describes when releases happen.


  • I (Ryan, Vincent, John) can build the release.

  • Everyone else can build the release too (e.g. for testing).

  • Anyone can retrieve old release sources (e.g., "recreate release 5.2").

  • The released package is reasonably well-tested.

The first two are important. We could live without the third, but it would be nice to have.

Process Overview

The main repo has a short-lived release branch (and a long-lived stable branch), as it does now. The release branch creation time stays the same. I manage the main release branch (cherry-picking commits).

A Racket build depends on many packages, listed in a package catalog. Most of these packages are associated with repositories. Some are associated directly with a source bundle.

Each pkg repo may have a (short-lived) release branch, but pkg release branches are created only when needed. For a given pkg, the code that gets included in the release is determined by the following rules:

  • If the pkg repo has a release branch, it's the contents of the release branch (when the repo is polled for a build).

  • Otherwise, it's the snapshot of the master branch when the release catalog was created (which I'll call "branch day"). It does not track later updates to the master branch.

When a pkg release branch is needed, it is created and managed by the pkg repo manager. (Note: one per repo, not per pkg.) The pkg repo manager is responsible for making sure their release branch is updated; they may set policy on who can update it. (Enforcement is probably either not possible or not feasible.) For example, let's say Sam is responsible for the TR repo. Sam may allow Vincent and Asumu to update the TR repo's release branch (eg by cherry-picking commits from master), but Sam should be vetting the changes locally and keeping things from falling through the cracks.

The current list of pkg repo managers is at Release repo managers.

A pkg repo release branch should be updated only by cherry-picking commits from another branch (usually master). In extraordinary situations, the release branch may be updated directly, but the committer should explain in the commit message why a direct update is necessary.

Release management should watch all commits (especially late-stage commits) to pkg repo release branches.

Once testing has begun, altering the content of the release by picking commits and/or creating a release branch could potentially introduce bugs or build failures. Accordingly, standard practice is for pkg repo managers to consult with release management. If two members of release managment in addition to the pkg repo manager believe that the code fixes an important problem and is unlikely to introduce bugs or build failures, the pkg manager should pick the commit(s) to the release. In some cases, it may be appropriate to re-run some or all of the tests associated with the release, at the discretion of release management.

I create a release catalog like the standard catalog, trimmed to main-distribution, but pointing to either the branch-day master commit or the release branch for each pkg repo. I commit the release catalog to the racket/release-catalog repo.

Building a pre-release build (done automatically three times per day) updates the release catalog by polling for new or updated pkg repo release branches. Consequently, an update to a pkg repo release branch is automatically incorporated into future release builds without additional intervention or review.

Updating a named-source package is trickier, and is currently handled by manually updating the checksum and the source path both in the per-package files and in the pkgs-all file in the release-catalog repository.

At the end of the release process, I create a "v$VERSION" tag in all pkg repos pointing to the commit listed in the release catalog and then delete all pkg repo release branches. This is done by a script.

Instructions for developers

Commit to master as normal.

If a commit should be included in the release (in the main repo or in a pkg repo), include the sentence "Merge to release branch." at the end of the commit message on a separate line.

Alternatively (if you forget about marking the commit until after you've pushed it), email the pkg repo manager with the list of SHA1 hashes of the commits to include. I recommend forwarding the push acknowledgement email, since it often contains a summary of the changes, which makes the request easier to review.

The current list of pkg repo managers is at Release repo managers.

Instructions for pkg repo managers

Picking releases to your package

Determining a pkg repo's current release state

The repo status web app shows the state of all repos, grouped by repo manager.

Alternatively, use the following command to determine whether a pkg repo has a release branch or, if not, to find the the branch-day master commit:

raco pkg catalog-show --catalog <pkg-name>

If the "Source" field's URL ends in "#release", the pkg is set to a release branch. Otherwise it is using the branch-day snapshot of the master branch (or the release catalog hasn't been updated since the creation of the release branch).

If the pkg is using the branch-day master snapshot, then the "Checksum" field contains that commit's SHA hash. Use that commit when creating a new release branch (see below).

Please Note: if you're happy with the state of your repo on branch day, there is no need to create a release branch. Release branches are used to instruct the build scripts that they should use a particular commit instead of whatever is currently specified in the release-catalog. So the instructions below apply only when you've discovered that you want to cherry-pick a commit that occurred after the branch date.

Using the Repo Manager App to create or update a release branch

The repo manager app helpfully provides you with an overview of your packages, and also auto-generates the sequence of git commands that will carry out the actions you specify. The following instructions might be useful to you if the repo manager isn't working, or if you want to understand how things are structured.

Manually Creating the release branch

Next, make sure you're up to date:

git pull

If a stale release branch exists from a previous release cycle, delete it:

# List local branches
git branch
# If a release branch exists, delete it
git branch -D release

Note that this should never be necessary, unless you ignored the reminder earlier in the release cycle ("prepare to manage repos...") that instructed you to delete all your release branches.

To create the release branch as a copy of the branch-day master snapshot:

# let CHECKSUM be the Checksum of the pkg in the release catalog (see above)
git checkout -b release <CHECKSUM>
git push origin release

Alternatively, to create the release branch as a copy of the current master branch:

git checkout -b release master
git push origin release

I recommend switching back to the master branch at the end of updating the release branch to avoid accidentally committing directly to the release branch.

Manually Updating the release branch

To see the sequence of commits in master since its common ancestor with release, annotated with whether they've been cherry-picked to the release branch, use the following command:

git log --reverse --cherry release...master

To update the release branch:

First, make sure your checkout of the pkg repo is up to date.

To "fast-forward" the release branch up to a certain commit on master, use the following commands:

# Switch to the release branch
git checkout release
# Fast-forward the release branch to <commit-hash>
git merge --ff-only <commit-hash>

To include a single commit in the release branch, do the following:

# Switch to the release branch
git checkout release
# Cherry-pick the commit
git cherry-pick -x <commit-hash>

When including more than one commit, I recommend picking them one at a time in the same order they appear in the master branch.

If it applied cleanly, then push and switch back to the master branch:

git push
git checkout master

If the commit doesn't apply cleanly, check whether the commit changes a region of code previously changed by an unpicked commit and consider whether the previous commit should be picked first.

If not, then you can try manually fixing the merge conflict.

I recommend configuring git with the following command:

git config merge.conflictstyle diff3

which results in conflicts being marked in the following format:

unchanged text
<<<<<<< HEAD
text from master
||||||| parent of <commit to include> <commit msg summary>
text from the common ancestor of master and <commit to include>
text from <commit to include>
>>>>>>> <commit to include> <commit msg summary>
unchanged text

That is, the text in the common ancestor has undergone two conflicting changes in different branches. Your goal is to replace the whole bracketed area with a version of the text that incorporates both changes.

If you can't resolve the merge conflict, ask me for help.

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