Release Checklist 8.11 - racket/racket GitHub Wiki

For one-time items such as blockers, it probably makes sense to check them off using github's markdown (that is, use the edit button to put an "x" between the square brackets. For all standard "testing" and "history" items that are copied from the template, though, please just go ahead and delete them entirely when they're done; since this list is long, it's otherwise difficult to locate the un-checked items.

Possible Blockers

I'd love it if someone could take a look at the (just-submitted-by-me) #4811 . I'm very much hoping that we don't consider this a release blocker, but I think someone else should take a look at it just in case. Actually probably @rfindler , if you have time. I'll also send email. EDIT 2023-11-04: checking the box, I agree that this should not block the release.