Racket Resources (From Discord) - racket/racket GitHub Wiki

Resource Description
“The Top-Level is Hopeless” Correspondence regarding Racket's behavior in a top-level context.
Alexis King on Racket: A Programmable Programming Language A video demo of Racket
An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction A guide meant to ease compiler design and implementation
Beautiful Racket An independent digital guide to Racket
Brown University, CSCI 1730 Covers how to use Racket macros to write an object system.
CS3520 A course on programming languages. Notable for being taught by a core Racket developer.
CS61AS A CS course that uses Racket
CSE341 A guided transition from ML to Racket
CodeWars A platform where users compete to solve programming challenges. Racket is supported.
Compiling Lambda Calculus Introduces the "theory and interpretation of lambda calculus"
Curated Scheme Bibliography A reading list of English Scheme books
Essentials of Compilation: An Incremental Approach in Racket A book on compilers using Racket
Essentials of Compilation "A book about compiling Racket and Python to x86-64 assembly." Includes supplemental webpage
FAQ For common questions regarding Racket in general
Fast Racket A concise list of performance-related guidelines for Racket programs
Futures Visualizer A graphical profiling tool for parallel Racket programs using futures.
Gregor Kiczales Youtube Tutorials Program Design tutorials that follow HtDP
Headless with Virtual Display A quick reference for running Racket with a virtual display
How to Design Programs (HtDP) A staple text with a self-describing title and many workthroughs 1, 2, 3, 4
IDEs and Text Editors Tools used for writing, analyzing, or running Racket programs and interactions.
Installing Racket 8.0 on Windows 10 for the first time A video demo of a Racket installation
Installing and starting Racket for the first time with DrRacket A video demo of DrRacket
International Racket Discord For English, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Taiwanese dialects.
Introduction to Racket A Coursera course for learning Racket
Language Development Toolchain A list of resources centered around language development with Racket
Learning Racket A self-study of Racket
Lisp System Implementation An implementation-centric view of interactive LISPs
Lisp as the Maxwell's equations of software A guide to Alan Kay's description of Lisp as "Maxwell's Eequations of software"
Lisp in Small Pieces A book covering "Lisp, Scheme, and other related dialects, their interpretation, semantics, and compilation"
Locations to Timezones A case study for Racket performance when mapping locations to time zones.
Logic and Computation Intertwined A guide for proving statements about Racket programs
PasteRack Like PasteBin, but for Racket programs
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation (PLAI) A textbook for "upper-level courses that introduce the main ideas of programming languages." Uses Racket extensively.
Racket Docker Images Documented Docker images for exact Racket installations
Racket Installation Metadata Write info.rkt files for use with raco setup
Racket Koans Clone this repository and fix the unit tests to learn Racket by doing.
Racket Package Metadata The manual for info.rkt files used for declaring Racket packages
Racket School An annual all-in-one program provided by Racket programmers, for Racket programmers
Racket School An annual, all-in-one educational program for Racket hosted by leaders in the Racket community
Racket Slack The official Slack workspace for Racket
Racket Templates Application template for use with raco new
Racket in CS60 A Racket tutorial playlist by Colleen Lewis
Racket in the Cloud A separate curation of known services focused on Racket
RacketScript A JavaScript-to-Racket compiler
Scheme 9 from Empty Space A bootstrapping book of self-contained C and Scheme source code. Useful for understanding tools used to bootstrap Racket implementations, like rktboot
Scribble Resources A list of resources centered around Scribble, Racket's documentation language
Slideshow Resources A list of resources centered around #lang slideshow
Syntax Parse Examples "This package is a collection of useful and illustrative macros written using the syntax/parse library."
Systematic Program Design A YouTube channel dedicated to program design using Racket. Comes with a course and notes
The c Racket package Use to write C in Racket
Try Racket Execute Racket programs in the browser.
Why Racket? Interview with Racketeer, Jay McCarthy A CodeSpells interview with Jay McCarthy
Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours A tutorial for writing a subset of R^5RS Scheme
schemedoc/bibliography Bibliography of Scheme research, “from readscheme.org and beyond”