Quickscript Scripts for DrRacket - racket/racket GitHub Wiki

A collection of scripts for DrRacket's Quickscript.

Scripts can be install either by installing a package, or fetched from a url with url2script for single-file scripts, or merely copy/pasted in a new script.

Packages of several scripts

Below is a list of packages that contain multiple scripts. You can install them with raco pkg install or from File|Install package… in DrRacket. You can disable the scripts you don't want from the Script Library. You can also configure them with shadow scripts.

Standalone scripts

To install the following scripts, you have 2 options:

  1. In DrRacket, do Scripts | Manage | New script…, type a name for the script and save. This creates a new quickscript with a default template. Replace the template with the code of the script below. Reload the menu.
  2. Install the quickscript-extra package (see above) to obtain url2script. Then, to install any of the scripts below, just copy the url of the script (right-click on the link), then click in DrRacket on Scripts|url2script|Fetch script… and paste in the url.

Other standalone scripts

Below is a list of scripts that can't be installed with url2script. So you'll have to do the copy/pasting work yourself.