Installing Racket - racket/racket GitHub Wiki

We provide installers for the latest Racket Distribution(8.7) at

If you prefer to use your package manager, we will endeavour to provide installation instructions below

Distribution descriptions:

Note: Minimal Racket is probably not the right choice if you are new to Racket.


Full installation: pacman -Syu Racket

Minimal installation (without drracket and docs) : pacman -Syu racket-minimal

Gentoo Linux

Stable version of Racket can be installed by simply emerging racket (you can also specify the category (dev-scheme), in case any other package, in a different category, is named racket).

emerge --ask racket

To install the latest, and possibly unstable, version of Racket either specify a particular version to install or configure /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords.

Here is a quick 1st approach one-liner:

emerge --ask --autounmask --autounmask-write =dev-scheme/racket-8.7

to be also considered is the racket overlay, which can be enabled via eselect-repository:

eselect repository enable racket-overlay

don't forget to sync it the overlay and follow the README.


The Racket package is listed in openSUSE-Tumbleweed-Oss, one of the official repositories. So you just need to run:

zypper install racket

Ubuntu & Debian

Ubuntu 23.04: lunar/universe Debian 11: bullseye

apt install racket

Void Linux

xbps-install racket


Racket can be installed using …




To install Racket, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

choco install racket

To upgrade Racket, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

choco upgrade racket




The recommended way of installing Racket is to use an installer from This installer is always up-to-date and well-tested.


Racket can also be installed using Homebrew.

If you do choose Homebrew, we recommend using the full distribution.

The full Racket distribution is available as a cask:

brew install --cask racket

To install a version built from source:

brew install minimal-racket

but as its name suggests this is a minimal build without documentation and DrRacket. The minimal distribution is mainly for servers.


For NixOS users - it's recommended to add pkgs.racket to your environment.systemPackages list in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.


Don't forget to run nixos-rebuild switch for changes to take effect.

For users of other distros who wish to install via Nix:

nix-env -iA nixpkgs.racket

If you wish to only experiment with a temporary installation, run:

nix-shell -p racket


snap install racket


flatpak install flathub org.racket_lang.Racket
flatpak run org.racket_lang.Racket

Arch Linux & Manjaro

pacman -S racket


pkg_add racket-minimal


Not recommended.

pkgin racket (very out of date; 6.12)