Game Development - racket/racket GitHub Wiki

Game development resources

Racket is a modern, compiled lisp and a decendendant of scheme.

See also Gamejam


  • R-cade: R-cade is a simple, retro, game engine for the Racket programming language with a few, specific goals in mind.
  • racket-godot-experiment EXPERIMENTAL Embedding Racket in Godot.
  • mode-lambda: the best 2D graphics of the 90s, today!

. See also lispgames gamejam resources:

example games

documentation, resources & tools

Game Engines


Blog posts

  • A Space Invaders game implementation in about 1000 lines of Racket code, using only racket/gui and racket/draw facilities. Shows how to design animated characters using the pict package, how to build a simple game engine and design the actors which make up the game.

  • Ishido -- a simple board game implementation in about 1000 lines of Racket code, using only racket/gui and racket/draw facilities. Shows how to use Unicode characters to design the tiles for the game and use the ship% and pasteboard% classes to build a GUI application where the user can manipulate objects on the screen using the mouse.

  • A Game of Tetris (gameplay) and the second part focusing on the user interface -- A Tetris game implementation in about 900 lines of code, using pict for drawing the pieces and using strings for the internal representation and handling collisions. The second part shows how to use racket/gui to add a user interface to the game, showing the score, the next piece and statistics about the pieces that were used so far.

  • Chess Game Using Racket’s Pasteboard, also (part 2) and (part 3) -- A 3 part walk-through implementation for a chess board where the user can take turns moving white and black pieces according to the rules of the chess game. There is no "play against the computer" functionality. The implementation is about 750 lines of code and illustrates how to use Unicode characters for the chess pieces and use the ship% and pasteboard% classes to build a GUI application where the user can manipulate objects on the screen using the mouse.

  • Racket, OpenGL, and You

books & papers


related is a Discord library in Racket