PlatformIO - r41d/ClusterDuck-Protocol GitHub Wiki

PlatformIO has its own IDE but what we use is the extension. This allows us to use our own favorite code editor to write firmware which is great! We don't have to download an IDE for each new tech hobby we have.

Installing ClusterDuck-Protocol global

  1. From the PIO Home tab select Libraries
  2. Search for ClusterDuck Protocol and install it

Installing ClusterDuck-Protocol for project only

  1. Create a New Project from the PIO Home tab
  2. Choose a name, select the Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 (V2) (Heltec Automation) as board and Arduino as framework
  3. Open the platformio.ini within your newly created project and add lib_deps = ClusterDuck Protocol at the end.

Manual Install

  1. Clone the CDP Repository to your local Machine

  2. Go to PIO Home and click on Open project Imgur

  3. Navigate to your local repository and open an example File (You will need 1 MamaDuck and 1 Papaduck for a simple network) Imgur

  4. Edit your Platformio.ini on line number 23 to your local repository path. Remove ClusterDuck Protocol on line 22 Imgur

  5. click on the Check Icon to compile the Example Imgur