Notes on connecting 2 Arduinos via a bi level logic translator - quasics/quasics-frc-sw-2015 GitHub Wiki

This is the sort of thing we'd have to do to connect the Rio to an Arduino, but serves as a simple starting point to test the core circuit. (And lets us emulate a Rio when we don't happen to have one nearby....). Before you do anything, plug in a logic translator. One side of it should be on the right of the gap in the middle of the breadboard, and one on the left (it really doesn't matter). Whenever a side is mentioned in the directions from now on, it refers to a side of the logic translator. After you grab a second arduino, leave the first alone. Ports are listed with the logic translator port first and the arduino port second.

Wiring is as follows: On the side labeled "LV" (usually used for a low voltage side, but with arduinos it doesn't matter): * wire the port labeled 5V to the port labeled LV * wire GND to GND * wire RXO to TX1 * wire TXI to RX1 On the side with 2 GND ports: * get a different arduino * wire one of the GND ports to GND, it doesn't matter which * wire TXO to TX1 * wire RXI to RX1