FRC Radio - quasics/quasics-frc-sw-2015 GitHub Wiki

The Robot Radio allows wireless communications between the robot and the FMS during competitions and direct communication between the robot and the driver laptop at other times. The radio model is specified by FIRST every year, and the current radio (as of the 2019 competition season) can be found here.


The radio is powered from the 12V/2A leads on the [Voltage Regulator Module]]. The radio connects to the [RoboRIO via the Ethernet port on both.


To allow robot use, the radio must be formatted, with separate processes for formatting for FMS use and formatting for home use.

At competitions, the radio must be formatted to function with connection to the FMS. However, a laptop with the proper configuration utility available at the pit admin desk. This should be one of the first tasks completed at any competition. Simply plug the radio into the provided power and Ethernet leads, enter the team's number (2656) on the laptop, and simply wait for the procewss to complete.

Instructions for programming the radio for home use can be found here.