Week 1: Transforming data into insights Part 02. Learning Log: Consider how data analysts approach tasks - quanganh2001/Google-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate-Coursera GitHub Wiki



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Earlier you learned about how data analysts at Google used data to improve employee retention. Now, you’ll complete an entry in your learning log to track your thinking and reflections about those data analysts' process and how they approached this problem. By the time you complete this activity, you will have a stronger understanding of how the six phases of the data analysis process can be used to break down tasks and tackle big questions. This will help you apply these steps to future analysis tasks and start tackling big questions yourself.

Review the six phases of data analysis

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Before you write your entry in your learning log, reflect on the case study from earlier. The data analysts at Google wanted to use data to improve employee retention. In order to do that, they had to break this larger project into manageable tasks. The analysts organized those tasks and activities around the six phases of the data analysis process:

  1. Ask
  2. Prepare
  3. Process
  4. Analyze
  5. Share
  6. Act

The analysts asked questions to define both the issue to be solved and what would equal a successful result.

Next, they prepared by building a timeline and collecting data with employee surveys that were designed to be inclusive.

They processed the data by cleaning it to make sure it was complete, correct, relevant, and free of errors and outliers.

They analyzed the clean employee survey data. Then the analysts shared their findings and recommendations with team leaders. Afterward, leadership acted on the results and focused on improving key areas.

Access your learning log

To use the template for this course item, click the link below and select “Use Template.”

Link to learning log template: Consider how data analysts approach tasks

Or if you don’t have a Google account, you can download the template directly from the attachment here.


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In your learning log template, write 2-3 sentences (40-60 words) reflecting on what you’ve learned from the case study by answering each of the questions below:

  • Did the details of the case study help to change the way you think about data analysis? Why or why not?
  • Did you find anything surprising about the way the data analysts approached their task?
  • What else would you like to learn about data analysis?

When you’ve finished your entry in the learning log template, make sure to save the document so your response is somewhere accessible. This will help you continue applying data analysis to your everyday life. You will also be able to track your progress and growth as a data analyst.