Week 1: Get started Part 05. Deciding if you should take the speed track - quanganh2001/Google-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate-Coursera GitHub Wiki
This reading provides an overview of a speed track we offer to those already familiar with data analytics.
If you are brand new to data analytics, you can skip the diagnostic quiz after this reading, and move directly to the next activity: Data analytics in everyday life.
The Google Data Analytics Certificate is a program for anyone. A background in data analysis isn’t required. But you might be someone who has some experience already. If you are this type of learner, we have designed a speed track for this course. Learners who opt for the speed track can refresh on the basic topics and take each of the weekly challenges and the Course Challenge at a faster pace.
To help you decide if you’re a good match for the speed track for this course:
- Take the optional diagnostic quiz.
- Refer to the scoring guide to determine if you’re a good fit for the speed track. A score of 90% or higher is the target goal for someone on the speed track.
- Based on your individual score, follow the recommendations in the scoring guide for your next steps.
Important reminder: If you’re eligible for the speed track, you’re still responsible to complete all graded activities. In order to earn your certificate, you will need an overall score of 80% or higher on all graded materials in the program.