7.1.5.Video quiz - quanganh2001/Google-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate-Coursera GitHub Wiki

Fun with R

Friendly reminder- the remainder of this video is a preview to show you what R can do, and what you'll be learning throughout this course.

You do not need to follow along. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. :)

Programming languages

Question: Programming languages can be used to reproduce and share your analysis.

A. True

B. False

It is true statement. Explain: Programming languages can be used to reproduce and share your analysis.

Intro to RStudio

Question: Would you like to set up an RStudio account to follow along with the steps in this video?

Complete the next Hands-On Activity: Cloud access to RStudio , and then click Continue below to play the rest of this video.

If you would like to preview or install the dataset used in this video, refer to the palmerpenguins package for the detailed information.

Note: At this point of following along you may not have installed the 'ggplot' package, which would normally allow you to generate a plot for the penguins data set.

In order for the upcoming plot algorithm to work first type and execute each line of the syntax below, which will install the 'tidyverse' package:



Once the above library is installed and loaded the ggplot syntax coming up next will successfully generate a plot.

You will have a much more in-depth exploration of ggplot parameters and other data visualizations in the upcoming video lecture, Visualizations in R and tidyverse.

Question: In RStudio, you can execute code in both the R console pane and the source editor pane.

A. True

B. False

It is true statement. Explain: In RStudio, you can execute code in both the R console pane and the source editor pane.