7.1.4.Weeky challenge 1 - quanganh2001/Google-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate-Coursera GitHub Wiki

Glossary: Terms and definitions

We’ve covered a lot of terms—some of which you may have already known, and some of which are new. To make it easy to remember what a word means, we created this glossary of terms and definitions.

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Course 7 Week 1 Glossary _ DA terms and definitions

Weekly challenge 1


Question 1

How do data analysts refer to the words and symbols they use to write instructions for computers?

A. Code languages

B. Programming languages

C. Variable languages

D. Syntax languages

The correct answer is B. Programming languages

Question 2

What are the benefits of using a programming language for data analysis? Select all that apply.

  • Automatically choose a topic for analysis
  • Efficiently save time
  • Clarify the steps of the analysis
  • Easily reproduce and share the analysis

Question 3

What is the term for programming code that is freely available and may be modified and shared by the people who use it?

A. Open-data

B. Open-source

C. Open-ended

D. Data-centric

The correct answer is B. Open-source

Question 4

For what reasons do many data analysts choose to use R? Select all that apply.

  • R is a closed source programming language.
  • R can quickly process lots of data.
  • R can create high quality visualizations.
  • R is a data-centric programming language.

Question 5

A data analyst is searching for a single tool that will allow them to query massive amounts of data, reproduce their analysis, and create world-class visuals. Which of the following tools is the best option for them?

A. A database


C. A dashboard

D. The R programming language

The correct answer is D. The R programming language

Question 6

RStudio’s integrated development environment includes which of the following? Select all that apply.

  • A viewer for playing videos
  • A console for executing commands
  • An editor for writing code
  • An area to manage loaded data

Question 7

A data analyst writes the code summary(penguins) in order to display a summary of the penguins dataset. Where in RStudio can the analyst execute the code? Select all that apply.

  • Environment pane
  • Source editor pane
  • R console pane
  • Files tab

Question 8

In RStudio, where can you find the output of the visualizations produced by your analysis?

A. Environment tab

B. R console

C. Plots tab

D. Files tab

The correct answer is C. Plots tab