6.1.5.Weekly challenge 1 - quanganh2001/Google-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate-Coursera GitHub Wiki

Glossary: Terms and definitions

We’ve covered a lot of terms—some of which you may have already known, and some of which are new. To make it easy to remember what a word means, we created this glossary of terms and definitions.

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Course 6 Week 1 Glossary _ DA terms and definitions

Weekly challenge 1

1st grade

Question 1

You need to create a chart that displays the number of data records in each age group of a dataset. What type of chart would best represent this data?

A. Correlation Chart

B. Ranked Bar Chart

C. Time Series Chart

D. Histogram Chart

The correct answer is D. Histogram Chart

Question 2

A data analyst is creating a chart for a presentation. The data they will display shows a correlation between variables. Why should they be careful when presenting their chart to an audience?

A. Correlation can only be represented in bar charts.

B. Correlation can be misunderstood as causation.

C. Correlation should be avoided in charts.

D. Correlation causes accessibility issues.

The correct answer is B. Correlation can be misunderstood as causation.

Question 3

Fill in the blank: A data analyst creates a presentation for stakeholders. They include _____ visualizations because the analyst wants the presentations to be interactive and automatically change over time.

A. geometric

B. aesthetic

C. dynamic

D. static

The correct answer is C. dynamic

Question 4

What type of chart is effective for presenting how data changes over time?

A. Line chart

B. Donut chart

C. Pie chart

D. Tree map

The correct answer is A. Line chart.

Question 5

Design thinking is a process used to solve problems in a user-centric way.

A. True

B. False

It is true statement.

Question 6

During which phase of the design process do you try to understand the emotions and needs of your target audience?

A. Test

B. Empathize

C. Ideate

D. Prototype

The correct answer is B. Empathize

Question 7

What should you include in the headline of a data visualization?

A. Fancy typography

B. Abbreviations

C. Acronyms

D. Clear language

The correct answer is D. Clear language

Question 8

Fill in the blank: You should distinguish elements of your data visualization by _____ the foreground and background and using contrasting colors and shapes. This makes the content more accessible.

A. overlapping

B. separating

C. aligning

D. highlighting

The correct answer is B. separating

2nd grade

Passed 100%

Question 1

You need to create a chart that explores the relationship between age and fruit consumption. What type of chart would best represent this data?

A. Correlation Chart

B. Ranked Bar Chart

C. Histogram

D. Time Series Chart

The correct answer is A. Correlation Chart

Question 2

Causation occurs when an action directly leads to an outcome.

A. True

B. False

It is true statement.

Question 3

What type of data visualizations allow users to have some control over what they see?

A. Static visualizations

B. Geometric visualizations

C. Dynamic visualizations

D. Aesthetic visualizations

The correct answer is C. Dynamic visualizations

Question 4

What type of charts are effective for presenting the composition of data? Select all the apply.

  • Pie chart
  • Line chart
  • Tree map
  • Heat map

Question 5

When using design thinking, what group of people should you think about the most?

A. The general public

B. The shareholders

C. Your users

D. Your team

The correct answer is C. Your users

Question 6

During which phase of the design process do you try to understand the emotions and needs of your target audience?

A. Ideate

B. Test

C. Empathize

D. Prototype

The correct answer is C. Empathize

Question 7

What text element in a visualization should be placed above the chart and clearly state what data is being presented?

A. Label

B. Headline

C. Subtitle

D. Annotation

The correct answer is B. Headline

Question 8

Distinguishing elements of your data visualizations makes the content easier to see. This can help make them more accessible for audience members with visual impairments. What are some methods data analysts use to distinguish elements?

A. Ensure all elements are highlighted equally

B. Add a legend

C. Using complex charts to increase density of information

D. Separate the foreground and background

The correct answer is D. Separate the foreground and background