1.5.4.Weekly challenge 5 - quanganh2001/Google-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate-Coursera GitHub Wiki

Glossary: Terms and definitions

We’ve covered a lot of terms—some of which you may have already known, and some of which are new. To make it easy to remember what a word means, we created this glossary of terms and definitions.

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Weekly challenge 5


Grade received 93.75%

Question 1

A restaurant hires a data analyst to determine the best times to have the restaurant open. Which of the following methods can the data analyst use to help build a better schedule for the restaurant? Select all that apply.

  • Examine hourly customer numbers
  • Analyze staffing levels for different days
  • Survey customers on their preferred times to dine
  • Analyze weekly weather data

Question 2

A restaurant has noticed many popular dishes are running out early in the day. How could a data analyst help identify a solution to this problem? Select all that apply.

  • Analyze the number of staff on shift during peak times
  • Analyze ordering patterns of those products
  • Examine the number of sales of those products
  • Examine overall daily sales of the restaurant

Question 3

Fill in the blank: A problem is an obstacle to be solved, an issue is a topic to investigate, and a _____ is designed to discover information.

A. question

B. breakthrough

C. business task

D. theme

A problem is an obstacle to be solved, an issue is a topic to investigate, and a question is designed to discover information.

Question 4

Data analysts answer questions and solve problems. These are called business tasks. True or False?

A. True

B. False

Question 5

When you make decisions using observation and intuition as a guide, you only see part of the picture. What can improve your decision-making?

A. Being decisive

B. Using assumptions

C. Creating surveys

D. Using data

The correct answer is D. Using data

Question 6

At what point in the data analysis process should a data analyst consider fairness?

A. When decisions are made based on the conclusions

B. When data is being organized for reporting

C. When data collection begins

D. When conclusions are presented

The correct answer is C. When data collection begins

Question 7

Fill in the blank: _____ in data analytics is when the data analysis process does not create or reinforce bias.

A. Transparency

B. Predictability

C. Consideration

D. Fairness

Fairness in data analytics is when the data analysis process does not create or reinforce bias.

Question 8

While working on an analysis, a data analyst learns that their team did not account for bias when they originally gathered the data. How might this factor affect the conclusion produced by the analysis?

A. The analysis could lead to a lack of anonymity.

B. The analysis could result in a low sample size.

C. The analysis could present an incomplete picture.

D. The analysis could create a modeling error.

The correct answer is C. The analysis could present an incomplete picture.


Question 1

An online gardening magazine wants to understand why its subscriber numbers have been increasing. What kind of reports can a data analyst provide to help answer that question? Select all that apply.

  • Reports that predict the success of sales leads to secure future subscribers
  • Reports that examine how a recent 50%-off sale affected the number of subscription purchases
  • Reports that describe how many customers shared positive comments about the gardening magazine on social media in the past year
  • Reports that compare past weather patterns to the number of people asking gardening questions to their social media

Question 2

A restaurant has noticed many popular dishes are running out early in the day. How could a data analyst help identify a solution to this problem? Select all that apply.\

  • Analyze ordering patterns of those products
  • Analyze the number of staff on shift during peak times
  • Examine overall daily sales of the restaurant
  • Examine the number of sales of those products

Question 3

Describe the difference between a question and a problem in data analytics.

A. A question can have many answers, whereas a problem only has one solution.

B. A question is uncertain, whereas a problem is clearly specified.

**C. A question is designed to discover information, whereas a problem is an obstacle or complication that needs to be solved. **

D. A question is a topic to investigate, whereas a problem is a subject to investigate.

The correct answer is C. A question is designed to discover information, whereas a problem is an obstacle or complication that needs to be solved.

Question 4

When working for a restaurant, a data analyst is asked to examine and report on the daily sales data from year to year to help with making more efficient staffing decisions. What is this an example of?

A. A breakthrough

B. An issue

C. A business task

D. A solution

The correct answer is C. A business task

Question 5

A data analyst at a restaurant analyzes data about past sales and customer trends. They identify that the restaurant does not generate enough revenue to pay the staff whenever the restaurant is open before 4 p.m. The restaurant then adjusts their hours of operation to open at 4 p.m. What is this an example of?

A. Data-driven decision-making

B. Survey data gathering

C. Using intuition to create efficiencies

D. Following data ethics

The correct answer is A. Data-driven decision-making

Question 6

It’s possible for conclusions drawn from data analysis to be both true and unfair. True or False?

A. True

B. False

it is true statement.

Question 7

When reviewing student data, a data analyst calculates course pass rates across the entire student population in two ways: once for students in academic support programs and once for students not utilizing academic support. What would be an example of a factor creating a bias in this example?

A. Ensuring a large enough sample size is used

B. Picking and choosing data from the data set

C. Not accounting for opportunities to utilize support programs

D. Considering systemic issues that may influence data

The correct answer is C. Not accounting for opportunities to utilize support programs

Question 8

While working on an analysis, a data analyst learns that their team did not account for bias when they originally gathered the data. How might this factor affect the conclusion produced by the analysis?

A. The analysis could result in a low sample size.

B. The analysis could lead to a lack of anonymity.

C. The analysis could present an incomplete picture.

D. The analysis could create a modeling error.

The correct answer is C. The analysis could present an incomplete picture.