1.4.5.Video quiz - quanganh2001/Google-Data-Analytics-Professional-Certificate-Coursera GitHub Wiki

Columns and rows and cells, oh my!

In a table, an attribute is a characteristic or quality of data used for what purpose?

A. To reference a cell

B. To perform a calculation

C. To label a column

D. To gather related data

The correct answer is C. To label a column. Explain: In a table, an attribute is a characteristic or quality of data used to label a column.

SQL in action

Fill in the blank: A data analyst uses a SQL query to retrieve information from a database. They add a WHERE statement to _____ the data based on certain conditions.

A. filter

B. sort

C. categorize

D. copy

The correct answer is filter. Explain: They add a WHERE statement to filter the data based on certain conditions.

Becoming a data viz whiz

What are some reasons why a data analyst might use data visualizations? Select all that apply.

  • To create interesting graphs

Explain: Data analysts use data visualizations to explain complex data quickly, reinforce data analysis, and create interesting graphs and charts.

  • To reinforce data analysis

Explain: Data analysts use data visualizations to explain complex data quickly, reinforce data analysis, and create interesting graphs and charts.

  • To edit data in color

  • To explain complex data quickly

Explain: Data analysts use data visualizations to explain complex data quickly, reinforce data analysis, and create interesting graphs and charts.