Methods - qlova/ilang GitHub Wiki
Methods in i
The i programming language has a very different method style then other languages.
Methods in i behave similarly to function overloading.
There are a set of builtin methods which can be overloaded depending on what type is passed.
The methods in i are very powerful, they allow for custom casting, standardised use and consistency.
For example:
text() --> ""
text("hi") --> "hi"
text(22) --> "22"
Methods can be created for custom types too:
type Custom {}
method text(Custom) "" {
return "custom"
Calling text(Custom()) will return "custom".
Multiple Arguments.
For methods with arguments, they are supported with the following syntax:
method Custom.print(""s) {
Custom().print("hello feature")
i has a few meta methods which extend the functionality of your type.
New Methods are used to initialise things in your type, it's good practise to include a new method if your type has any Custom type members.
type Weight { value }
method new(Weight) {
value = 50
print(new(Weight).value) --> 50
Run (Not Implemented)
type Runnable {}
method run(Runnable) {
print("running runnable!")
var r = Runnable()
r() --> "running runnable"