Source code - qflanTeam/QFLan GitHub Wiki

The complete source code of QFLan is available in the code section of this repository

Building the code is a particularly tedious process. We recommend using the provided distributions.

In order to build the code it is necessary to:

  1. Install Java 11 from
  2. Install 'Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers' 4.18 from here
  3. Clone the repo in a chosen folder 'chosen_folder'
  4. Run eclipse using as workspace the folder 'ws418' within 'chosen_folder'
  5. On the top-bar menu, click on help -> install new software. Type and click add (as name write NEBULA). And choose 'all widgets' or similar
  6. Download the updated site of quickimage from and install it as in point above using local and pointing to the downloaded folder
  7. Right-click in the package explorer (on the left), select Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace
  8. Navigate to the folder '418' within 'chosen_folder', select all projects, tick on 'copy projects into workspace'. Click Ok
  1. Open file GenerateQFLan.mwe2 in project it.imt.qflan.xtext (within package with same name). Right-click in the editor, Run as -> MWE2 Workflow
  2. In same project and package, open file QFLan.xtext. Right-click in the editor, Run as -> Generate XTEXT Artifacts

To run QFLan, open the correct product project depending on your OS, go to tab overview, and click on Launch an eclipse application