Source code - qflanTeam/QFLan GitHub Wiki
The complete source code of QFLan is available in the code section of this repository
Building the code is a particularly tedious process. We recommend using the provided distributions.
In order to build the code it is necessary to:
- Install Java 11 from
- Install 'Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers' 4.18 from here
- Clone the repo in a chosen folder 'chosen_folder'
- Run eclipse using as workspace the folder 'ws418' within 'chosen_folder'
- On the top-bar menu, click on help -> install new software. Type and click add (as name write NEBULA). And choose 'all widgets' or similar
- Download the updated site of quickimage from and install it as in point above using
and pointing to the downloaded folder - Right-click in the package explorer (on the left), select Import -> General -> Existing projects into workspace
- Navigate to the folder '418' within 'chosen_folder', select all projects, tick on 'copy projects into workspace'. Click Ok
- Open file GenerateQFLan.mwe2 in project it.imt.qflan.xtext (within package with same name). Right-click in the editor, Run as -> MWE2 Workflow
- In same project and package, open file QFLan.xtext. Right-click in the editor, Run as -> Generate XTEXT Artifacts
To run QFLan, open the correct product project depending on your OS, go to tab overview, and click on Launch an eclipse application