Portfolio - qa-at-the-point/base GitHub Wiki

Everyone should have a portfolio where you show off what you've learned, what you know, the projects you've worked on, and examples so hiring managers have more context about you.

However, it can be hard to answer what should go into a Tester's portfolio since there usually isn't some app or website you've built.

Where should I make my portfolio?

There are so many options! Honestly, do the one that you're most familiar with. For example, if you know how to work with Wordpress or want to buy your own custom URL and website, go for it.

The two examples that we'll show here will use:

  • Notion (free)
  • GitHub (free)

Notion Portfolio Example

Denise Kidman was kind enough to share their Notion portfolio with us. You can see it here: https://shorturl.at/hosDE

  1. Create a free Notion account at https://notion.so
  2. Create a new page called [Your Name] Portfolio
  3. Fill it out with what you want to show. You can use Denise's as a template or guide!

GitHub Portfolio Example

Carlos Kidman uses his GitHub profile as their portfolio. You can see it here: https://github.com/elsnoman

  1. Create a free GitHub account at https://github.com
  2. During the creation process it should ask you to make a README.md for your profile. This is it!
  3. If not, then create a new repo with the same name as your username. See this doc for more info
  4. Once you save the README.md, your profile portfolio is all set!


  • No need to start from scratch! Use this AWESOME repo to see what others have done. You can open the code view and copy+paste what you want.

  • You can pin up to 6 repos onto your profile which is great for showing projects for your portfolio! Consider making the 6 something like this:

    • UI Automation with Typescript and Playwright
    • UI Automation with Python and Selenium
    • API Testing with Javascript
    • Bug examples
    • Test Plans and Test Case examples
    • Performance Testing with K6

💡 Feel free to change any tools, languages, etc. -- this is just an example to get you started!