Get Started with Gitpod - qa-at-the-point/base GitHub Wiki

Gitpod makes it easy to jump into a repo and start coding without having to worry about all of the setup. The purpose of this guide is to get you started with Gitpod so you can use QAP's repos.

💡 All of QA at the Point's repos are ready to use with Gitpod


  1. Create a account (free) if you haven't already
  2. Create a account (free). I recommend signing up with your GitHub account
  3. Install the Gitpod browser extension. For example, in the Chrome Browser:

Open a repo in Gitpod

With the setup complete, you can visit any repo and open it in Gitpod!

  1. Go to QA at the Point on GitHub
  2. Click on any repo. For example, playwright-python

You can open the repo in Gitpod in two different ways:

  • Click on the green Gitpod button (recommended)
  • Prefix the URL with For example,

Once opened, it will take some time for the Gitpod container to spin up with a complete setup. Once complete, you're ready to start coding!


Gitpod is definitely powerful and has greatly sped up onboarding and productivity at many companies including mine. However, there are things to consider when using it.

Gitpod in the Browser

Gitpod, by default, will open the repo in VS Code in a separate browser tab:

  • You can configure Gitpod to use the IDE of your choice, like JetBrains products
  • Because it's in the browser, you can open Gitpod on your phone or tablet too!
  • There is an option to open Gitpod in your local VS Code if you like your User Preferences better

Free up to 500 Credits

Gitpod is free to use until you hit your "free limit" of 500 monthly credits.

  • They will not charge you unless you have a payment method on file and upgrade your free plan
  • Because of this, if you exceed the limit, Gitpod won't open for you anymore
  • You can always clone the repo locally like you normally would, but you would have to do all the machine and project setup