- putianyi889/Minesweeper-makes-me-happy GitHub Wiki is the base of Chinese minesweeper community.

Layout of the website


In the top left corner there is a large logo of the site:

扫 - sweep. 雷 - mine. 扫雷 is the Chinese name of Minesweeper. 网 - net or web. 扫雷网 - the website of minesweeper. These 3 characters are pronounced as sǎo léi wǎng, as the url of the website.

In the top row, right of the logo, there is a menu for account and public information:

Chinese 欢迎您,XXX! 登录 注册 找回密码 软件下载 更新历史 关于本站 管理团队
Literal translation Welcome you, xxx! Log in Sign up Find back password Software download Update history About this site Management team
Free translation Welcome, xxx! Log in Sign up Forget password Downloads Changelog About Moderators

Then we have the main menu:

Chinese 首页 排行榜 录像 雷界 论坛 教程 雷神殿 我的地盘 新手上路
Literal translation Head page Ranking list Record video Mine community Forum Guides Lei Shen Palace My territory Newbie on road
Free translation Index page Rankings Replays Community overview Forum Guides Palace of Gods My profile Starter's guide

General usage


Click 注册 in the top row.

注册必读Read this before registration.

Ignore the first line.

  • 必须使用真实姓名注册,每人只能注册一个用户。You must register with your real name. Each person can only have one user account.
  • 未用实名注册者所上传录象,一律不审核通过。Videos uploaded by someone who doesn't use their real name for registration will not pass verification.
  • 如发现注册信息不实,管理员有权封停或删除该用户。If we find that your information is fake, the moderators have the right to ban or delete the account.
  • 本网站只接受 Minesweeper Arbiter 录制的 avf 格式录象。This website only accepts videos of avf format which is recorded by Minesweeper Arbiter.
  • 录象上传后需经管理员审核后方可生效。After being uploaded, a video can become valid only after verification by a moderator.
  • 如发现用户伪造录象,将立刻删除该用户所有信息。If a user is found making fake videos, all their information will be deleted immediately.
  • 我同意以上条例 放弃注册
    I agree Cancel registration

Remark. Nowadays we welcome foreigners to join

设定录像标识文字Set up you player identification text (PIT)

  • 什么是录像标识文字? What is PIT?
  • 录像标识文字将出现在您每个录像的下方,是录像属于您的唯一证据。 The PIT will show up at the bottom of your videos and is the only evidence of the video belonging to you.
  • 怎样设置录像标识文字? How to set up the PIT?
  • 请先下载 Minesweeper Arbiter 并安装。 Please download and install Minesweeper Arbiter first.
  • 安装完后运行进入游戏,如果遇到问题,请到论坛提问。 After installation, run the program to enter game. If you have any problem, please ask in the forum.
  • 进入游戏后按 F5 , 可进入设置界面,请设置专属的录像标识文字,并选择国家。 After entering the game, press F5 to open settings, where you have to setup your unique PIT and select your country.
  • 录像标识文字只能使用英文,推荐使用姓名拼音附加地区拼音,例如:Wang Wei (Shan Xi) 。You can only use English for your PIT. We recommend using your name and region. For example, Wang Wei (Shan Xi).
  • 如果您注册时不慎填错了录像标识文字,可与管理员联系进行更改。If you accidentally submit a wrong PIT in registration, you can contact a moderator to change it.
  • 如果您上传了成绩后想更改录像标识文字,必须放弃已有的成绩。If you want to change your PIT after submitting your scores, you have to drop those scores.
  • 如果上传的录像没有设定录像标识文字,或者和注册时填写的录像标识不一致,将无法通过审核!If uploaded videos don't have PIT or their PIT doesn't match what you use for registration, they will not pass verification!
  • 下一步 放弃注册
    Next step Cancel registration

Remark. Nowadays you can change your PIT freely as long as it identifies you uniquely. If someone else has registered with your PIT, a warning will show up asking you to change your PIT.

填写注册信息Fill in your registration information

录像标识文字 PIT
登陆名称 Username
登陆密码 Password
重复密码 Confirm password
中文姓名 Chinese name
姓名拼音 English name
性别 Gender
网名 Nickname
所在地区 Region
电子邮箱 Email
密码提示问题 Security question
密码提示答案 Answer
返回上一步 完成注册 放弃注册
Previous step Finish registration Cancel registration

Remark. Only your username, password, names, security question and answer are required, among which your names will be public while the other 4 fields are private. Every other field will be public.

Titles and conventions

Timing convention

Saolei adds 1 second to all scores. When you see a video is 39.xx seconds on layout of the site, it's actually 38.xx. Sub60 on saolei means <=58.99. This one second is for historical reasons. It makes people harder to get milestones. On the bright side, it pushes people one second further. The embedded video player doesn't add the second. You don't have to add the second when uploading your videos as it's done automatically.

Gods and humans

Sub60 players are considered as 雷神 where 雷=mine and 神=god. The collection of 雷神 is called 神界 where 界=circle/community。 Other players are considered humans. The collection of humans is called 人界 where 人=human。These conventions are sometimes used for puns.

Titles for gods

Sub60 but not sub50 players are shown as 雷神 in green. Female 雷神 are shown as 雷仙 in pink where 仙=fairy. Sub50 players are shown as 雷圣 where 圣=saint. The 1st on the site is shown as 雷帝 where 帝=emperor. There is no specific title for sub40 players since there was no sub40 player when the site was set.

Off the site, the titles accepted by general community are a little different. There are 4 major titles: 神(god) for sub60, 圣(saint) for sub50, 帝(emperor) for sub40 and 外星人(alien) for sub30. The title Alien was set when no one believed it's possible. Each major title is further divided into two sub-titles: 大=big and 小=small. As a result: 小神 for sub60, 大神 for sub55, 小圣 for sub50, 大圣 for sub45, 小帝 for sub40, 大帝 for sub35. There is no sub25 player so Alien is still in one piece.

Suffix for gender

GG for male. mm for female. They are historical Chinese internet slangs from 20 years ago.

Basic understanding of Chinese language

Chinese language is easy to begin with. There are many discrete characters, each having some meaning. There is no explicit tense or voice. They are implied by the meaning. Chinese is not hard to understand once you understand each individual character. It's better to learn individual characters first, before you get familiar with how they form sentences.

Sometimes you need to know internet memes... Don't worry. Many Chinese don't get those memes either.

Minesweeper terminology

扫 = sweep. 雷 = thunder, mine or whatever booms. 扫雷 = sweep mines, or minesweeper.

初 = first, start, etc. 中 = center, medium, etc. 高 = tall, high, etc. 级 = grade, level, etc.

  • 初级 = beginner level. 中级 = intermediate level. 高级 = expert level.

左 = left. 右 = right. 双 = double. 键 = key of mouse, piano, etc. (That key which opens a lock translates to 钥匙)

  • 左键 = left key/click. 右键 = right key/click. 双击 = chord/double click, where 击 = hit.