一支穿云箭——“破空”简要教程 - putianyi889/Minesweeper-makes-me-happy GitHub Wiki

Source 原文:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/28703132

Title: An Arrow Through The Mist: A Concise Guide on Opening Breaking

Date: 22/8/2017

Author 作者:张少武(Shao-Wu Zhang)

Translator 翻译: 濮天羿(Tian-Yi Pu)

关于“Op(空)”的概念,下文是必须要先深刻理解的。 Make sure you understand concepts about openings by reading this article:

扫雷图的结构以及影响难度的因素分析 Analysis on structure and factors affecting difficulty of minesweeper boards

尤其是第三段“Op对扫雷图的难度影响”。要对扫雷图的结构有足够的认识,否则这篇文章对你没有什么意义。“破空”就是利用自己的判断能力主动打开Op的操作especially the 3rd section, "Openings affect difficulty". You should have enough understanding of the structure of minesweeper boards, otherwise this article is pretty much meaningless for you. OPENING BREAKING is to uncover openings actively with your awareness and knowledge.

简单理解Op的位置A brief view on position of openings

Op(实际上是数字0的集合块,数字0不显示,显示为空白区域)虽然与Op边缘(黄线)的一圈数字是一个整体,但你必须点中数字0的位置才能打开这个Op,无论你点多少次Op边缘都是徒增废操。 Although an opening (which is basically a cluster of number zeros which appear as blank cells) and the surrounding numbers within its boundary (outlined in yellow) are in one piece, you must click on a zero to finish this opening and all clicks on the boundary are wasted.

如上图,我们有结论:关于雷、Op边缘和Op就是局部三明治结构,雷和Op之间一定隔着一层Op边缘,打开与雷相邻的任何格子都不可能打开Op。最后我们的结论是:破空,就是在力所能及的范围内,要么直接判出数字0,要么优先点离已知雷最远的安全格,至少要与雷隔开一格的距离才有可能直接破空Just like the above figure, we conclude that the associated mines, the boundary and the interior form a sandwich-like structure, where the mines and the interior must be separated by a layer of boundary, which means that uncovering any cell next to a mine can't uncover an opening. Finally, we summarize that breaking an opening is to finish an opening as soon as possible by distinguishing number zero directly or uncovering safe cells not attached by mines. Such safe cells are usually the furthest from known mines.

破空的重要性The importance of opening breaking

节省点击时间Save clicks

有时候一个Op可以让没有破空意识的人有效地点七八次Op边缘才能打开,而有破空意识的人可能只需要一两次点击,节省时间的效果显而易见。 Sometimes an opening can cost a player 7-8 clicks on the boundary if the player is not aware of the opening. A player with sharp awareness of openings, however, can take only 1-2 clicks to finish the opening. The effect of opening breaking is significant.

尽快获得判雷信息Get early information

有破空意识的玩家能更先一步做好应对Op打开的心理准备,Op打开提供新的判雷信息是很重要的环节,提前准备有益无害。而新手玩家往往是“诶?怎么忽然开了一块?啊哈哈哈好开心”然后愣一会儿,默默地找下一步可以解决的地方。高手玩家则是“这儿有可能点开Op,我要压住节奏绷紧神经,做好判雷和快速转移的准备”。**即使是没节省点击,有破空意识的玩家往往能更先打开Op,更早地获得新的判雷信息。** A player knowing opening breaking can prepare for information from an incoming opening. A new opening provides new information and preparing for it in advance is beneficial. A novice player would think "wait what, an opening? nice, what do I do next?", hesitate for a while and start searching the next move. By contrast, a skilled player would think "this might be an opening. I have to watch out and prepare to solve another part." Even if opening breaking doesn't save clicks sometimes, a player who detects openings tend to open them earlier and get first hand information.

缩短线路Reduce path

很明显主动破空也可以让你的线路更简洁,鼠标移动更少一些。 Breaking openings can simplify mouse movement and shorten the overall mouse path, obviously.

丰富思路,活跃神经,并获得一定程度的满足感Keep your brain active and gain a sense of satisfaction

这些就没啥可说的了,破空也经常是一种风骚的操作,爆头八连杀或者penta kill能获得到的感觉,破空也可以(前提你得是狂热扫雷爱好者)。 Needless to say, opening breaking is a cool technique and you can gain satisfaction from successfully breaking an opening just like commiting 8 straight headshots or a penta kill, given that you are a minesweeper maniac.

完全可判的OpDistinguishable openings

角空四格定律The 4-cell law of corner opening

角空四格定律 即 “只要你能判出四个安全方格正方形排布在角上,那么 这儿必然存在一个Op,最佳做法是点角(然后做好转移的准备)”。如动态图: The 4-cell law of corner opening says that if you find a square of 4 safe cells at a corner, then there is an opening and the optimal choice is to click the corner and go. See gif:

原因很简单,完全可以看出角上一格是个数字0,因为它周围一个雷都没有啊,点开它就结束了。对于高玩来说,对角的处理往往是绷紧神经,对角上四格最靠外的一格(即上图下面两例的3和4的位置)做预判,如果点出来的数字与周围已知雷数相等,就立刻点角破空。 The reason is trivial. Since the corner is a zero when all cells around it are safe, clicking the corner will finish this part. A skilled player is focused near a corner and predict the most outward cell (e.g. 3 and 4 from two bottom corners in the above figure) among the 4 cells. If the outward cell matches surrounding mines, then click the corner immediately to break an opening.

图例分别来自于Kamil、郭蔚嘉、张先耀。 The above examples are from Kamil Murański, Wei-Jia Guo and Xian-Yao Zhang respectively.

边空六格定律The 6-cell law of side opening

由于角直接限制了两条边,出现Op所需安全范围比较小,只需要2*2。而如果是靠边的情况,则需要形成一个3*2才能百分之百确定Op的位置。 Since a corner is restricted by two sides, the safe area is only 2*2 for an opening to exist. When it comes to a side, a safe area of 3*2 is need to guarantee an opening.

边空六格定律:数字A与边隔开一行。显然A的影响范围是3*3,离边最远的三格里面存在N个雷,如果N=A,则下面六格形成一个Op,因为你可以证明黄格周围无雷。此时只需要点开黄格位置就可以破空。 The 6-cell law of side opening says that when number A is one cell away from a side and the 3 cells further from the side (within the 3*3 associated area of A) has N mines, if N=A, then the 6 below cells form an opening because you can prove that no mine is next to the yellow cell. In this case, just click the yellow cell to break an opening.

最常见的情况就是一个雷与边隔开两行,而雷旁边出现了一个1,这个1与边隔开一行,就形成了一个六格的安全区域。 The most common scenario is that a mine is 2 cells away from a side and a one which is next to the mine and 1 cell away from the side leads to a 6-cell safe area.

例子多得不胜枚举,非常常见。 Examples are common and too many to list them all.

以及我的三连破空中的第二个: and the second of my 3 consecutive opening breakings:

作为一名高玩,在靠边雷比较密集的时候更要头脑清晰。 As a skilled player, you have to keep a sharp mind when there are many mines near a side.

当然了并非只有1,也可以是2(实例来自林锦帆): Of course number 2 can work besides number 1 (the instance is from Jin-Fan Lin):

或者更复杂一些的情况 or some more complex scenarios

但我认为靠边位置1和2为依据的破空才是重点,当你看到3的时候,已经没有节省点击的效果了。 but I think opening breaking relying on 1 and 2 near the side is more useful. It's too late to save clicks when you see the 3.

非边角位置的大概率破空Potential openings away from corners and sides

如果一个Op不靠边也不靠角,处于图的中腹位置,那么你几乎无法证明它一定是Op,因为没有边界限制范围的话,至少要确定一个3*3的安全区域,单侧判雷是不可能判出这么大空腔的。只有下图的情况可以: A mid-field opening, neither at a corner nor at a side, is nearly impossible to distinguish because without restriction from sides, you will need a 3*3 safe area which is impossible when pushing from one direction. The only exception is as below:

这种两边往中间夹才能判出Op的情况,即使你见多识广如作者,身经百战如雷帝,恐怕实战录像里也是没见过这么玩的,没什么判空的价值。 Such situations where an opening is revealed by all surrounding information is too rare to be met by even most experienced players. So there is not much value to study this case.

对于非边角位置的破空,其实很简单,一句话就能说清楚:尽量选择隔开雷的位置开始点即可。如果操作不便,那就:尽量往远离雷的方向走Mid-field opening breaking is easy to explain in one sentence: click cells as further from the mines as you can. If you feel difficult clicking like this, then try to click away from mines.

1形成的内凹拐角是重中之重。感性上,你也会觉得这种地方十分脆弱。因为雷很稀疏,存在Op的可能性很大,尽管如此也不是百分之百。要破空的话只需要选一个离已知雷有间隔的安全位置(黄格)开始下手就可以了,轻轻地捅破,FL选手可以标雷双击。 Corners made of 1's are the most important. Emotionally, you would feel these spots are fragile, because mines are sparse and it's very likely, although not 100% sure, that openings exist. If you want to break an opening, start from a safe cell (yellow) away from mines. FL players can flag and chord.

雷旁边出了1怎么玩,FL选手标雷双击1是最稳妥的,NF玩家可以尝试用左键往远离雷的方向点一下。 When a 1 appears next to a mine, it's safe for FL players to flag and chord while NF players could try to click away from the mine.

如果雷排成一列,宛如一堵墙,那么就用垂直于雷墙的点击方向往外走。 If the mines form a wall, also click away from the wall.

四格里面,当然要先跳过蓝格点那排更远的黄格了(标雷玩家可以尝试标1开4)。 Among the 4 cells, skip blue cells and click the yellow cells further from mines. FL players can flag and chord.

玄学——加成效应Mystery: buffs

靠边加成Side buff

在靠边的时候非常容易出Op,对于一个疯狂的破空大佬来说,只要靠边的地方有远离雷的格子可以点,那不要放过,即使跳过去也要点。 It's very easy to get an opening at a side. A crazy opening-breaking nerd would eliminate any safe cells at a side and away from mines.

蓝黄涂色部分均安全,我经常会选隔开雷靠边的黄色格求破空,操作显得比较跳。 Both blue and yellow cells are safe, but I usually click the yellow cell which is away from mines and at the side.

再比如: Or:

如果靠边点出一个1紧邻着雷,你可以确定蓝黄两格都安全,但是我建议你直接点靠边的黄格,破空几率极大(我称之为“掰边”)。此外做好打开Op的心理准备,压住节奏,以图看清新出现的局面。而拉上去点蓝格十分愚蠢,直接暴露玩家没有破空和预判的能力。实例很多,随便找两个: If a one appears at the side and next to a mine, you can see that both blue and yellow cells are safe, but I suggest you click the yellow cell at the side because it's very likely there is an opening. At the meantime, prepare for an opening. Clicking the upper blue cell is very stupid and shows the player has no sense of opening and no ability to predict. Here are two among lots of examples:

点黄格之前我是做好了很充分的准备的,因此不会被忽然出现的Op打乱节奏,能快速衔接下去。 I made full preparation before clicking the yellow cells so I was not shocked by sudden openings and was able to go on smoothly.

甚至极端一点的说,只要靠边有一个格子可以点,那就有试一试的价值,不要放过,清干净。 Extremely said, once a safe cell is at a side, take every chance to clear it.

点角王道Corner buff

只要能判出角可以点,就先点角。不管是不是op,稳赚不亏(其实这个习惯挺难养成)。 As long as a corner is safe, click it first. You can't lose anything in case if you don't gain anything. It's a fairly hard habit though.

破空的重要性The importance of opening breaking

参观一下最弱破空和最强破空的差距。 Visit the gap between the worst opening breaking and the best opening breaking.

同样的局部,这个op是很典型的边空,很容易解决。 This opening is a typical side opening and easy to solve.

然而最弱破空会变成: But the worst opening breaking is like:

如果是良好的破空习惯: While good opening breaking would be like:

仅仅下面的一个Op,无破空技术的扫雷居然用了七次点击,而顶级破空选手可以只用一次,差距可以达到一秒以上,就这么一个小Op。 For this single opening, the former strategy wastes 6 clicks, leading to a gap over a second, just because of this tiny opening.


破空不分扫法,即使你标雷双击可以轻易解决中腹部分,但边角位置大家都一样需要这个能力。 Opening breaking doesn't care about the style you play. Although you can easily solve the midfield openings with flags and chords, everyone needs opening breaking at sides and corners.

破空需要你具备一定的基础,如果不具备NF扫sub60的能力,还是补判雷比较好。 Breaking openings require some sort of fundamental skills. You'd rather learn patterns if you can't sub60 with NF.

破空会增加操作难度,应视状态好坏而取舍。 Opening breaking increases clicking difficulty and should be discarded when you are not in good condition.

破空对效率有着2%左右的影响,而且对NF选手影响更大,NF玩家不可或缺。 Opening breaking stands for around 2% of efficiency and more for NF players and everyone needs opening breaking.

虽然写得不一定非常全面,但这些东西足够一个玩家用到sub40的水平了。 This article might not cover everything, but the on-board knowledge here is enough for a player to get sub40.