Library Staging - pulibrary/pul_library_drupal GitHub Wiki

A new server provisioned via Ansible:


For the machine to access your local ssh keys, you have to include the -A flag. This is useful for running drush sql-sync and working with git.

ssh -A [email protected]
cd /var/www/drupal

Syncing Production DB to Staging

drush sql-sync @library.production @library.staging --structure-tables-list=cache,cache_*,history,sessions,watchdog

The site alias file is located in /etc/drush/library.aliases.drushrc.php on library-staging1. If you need to make adjustments to the file, you will have to ssh into the machine as pulsys:

ssh [email protected]
sudo nano /etc/drushlibrary.aliases.drushrc.php


Search API settings for Search API Library Staging:

Solr server: Solr path: /solr/libwww-staging

Accessing Drupal Admin UI

The ca-certificate paths entered into production are different than on staging so you will have to log in via drush.

drush uli yournetid