How to upgrade Drupal core - pulibrary/pul_library_drupal GitHub Wiki

  • Update local
  1. start lando

    lando start

    Update core and any modules that are behind

  2. Pull latest database from prod

    lando drush sql-dump --result-file=/tmp/dump.sql; 
    scp pulsys@library-prod1:/tmp/dump.sql .;
    lando db-import dump.sql
    lando drush vset --exact file_temporary_path /tmp
  3. update all the modules

    lando drush upc


    Only update core (or another module)

    lando drush pm-update drupal
  4. If you see No code updates available stop here

  5. Do a git status (Look for .htaccess, robots, and web.config these may contain things you do not want to commit). They may also put in their own .gitignore which may not check everything in.

  6. Check the status report page to make sure it shows no issues

    lando drush uli <UID>
    open uri in web page
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