Rewarded Video - pubnative/pubnative-hybid-android-sdk GitHub Wiki

Rewarded ads will be rendered using the HyBid SDK.


  • Ad Zone Id from the PubNative Publisher Dashboard

Code sample

You can find a demo app with code samples for this type of integration here.

Create HyBidRewardedAd attribute in you activity or fragment

private HyBidRewardedAd mRewarded;

Request the ad

Create an instance of the rewarded ad object using the zone id and setting a listener. Use the load method to make an ad request.

private void loadRewardedVideo() {
    mRewarded = new HyBidRewardedAd(this,"ZONE_ID", new HyBidRewardedAd.Listener() {
        public void onRewardedLoaded() {

        public void onRewardedLoadFailed(Throwable error) {

        public void onRewardedOpened() {

        public void onRewardedClosed() {

        public void onRewardedClick() {

        public void onReward() {

Display the ad

After the ad is successfully retrieved from the server, the onRewardedLoaded callback will notify that the ad is ready to be displayed.

You can display the rewarded video as soon as it's loaded using after getting the callback. Use the show method to display the ad:

mRewarded = new HyBidRewardedAd(this,"ZONE_ID", new HyBidRewardedAd.Listener() {
        public void onRewardedLoaded() {

        public void onRewardedLoadFailed(Throwable error) {

        public void onRewardedOpened() {

        public void onRewardedClosed() {

        public void onRewardedClick() {

        public void onReward() {

if you don't want to show the ad right away after being loaded, you can use the isReady method that returns a boolean stating if the ad has been loaded and is ready to be displayed.

if (mRewarded.isReady()) {;

Finally destroy the rewarded video when the activity or fragment are destroyed

public void onDestroy() {
    if (mRewarded != null) {

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