Docker - psu-libraries/scholarsphere GitHub Wiki

We have dockerized a lot of the parts of the ScholarSphere stack. A developer can run the entire stack (presently postgres, minio, rails, and solr) or any combination of components via docker-compose

Setup (OS X)

If you don't have docker installed, you can install Docker via the following commands

brew cask install docker --appdir=~/Applications
open ~/Applications/

Configure the app

All of scholarsphere's configuration is done via environment variables. the minimal set of variables to get up and running is in .envrc.sample copy this into .envrc, fill in the variables (values are in vault) and source it. source .envrc You can also use direnv to automagically source your .envrc files (

Setup Vault

Running Scholarsphere

Starting up the whole stack:

docker compose up 

Starting up the whole stack (rebuild the container): If you make changes to the Dockerfile, you may want to rebuild. use the --build flag to accomplish this

docker compose up --build

Starting up bits of the stack (lets say you want to run rails locally, and run minio and solr in docker)

docker compose up solr minio

docker-compose commands will run foregrounded, you can shoot them to the background by using the -d flag. For example:

docker compose up -d solr

Seed the database

docker compose exec web bundle exec rails db:seed

Running Commands

If you need to run commands in the context of the rails application, you can do so by running the following prefix

docker compose exec web {{ command }}

Examples of things you might want to do

docker compose exec web bundle install
docker compose exec web rails c


You can run the entire test suite within a container:

docker compose exec web bash
bundle exec rake solr:init
export RAILS_ENV=test
bundle exec rspec

To run a specific test outside of the container:

docker compose exec -e RAILS_ENV=test web bundle exec rspec path/to/spec

Note: you may need to run rake solr:init prior to this.

Attach to web container

Attach to the web container to do things like use binding.pry If you Ctrl-C an attached session, you will need to restart the container

docker attach scholarsphere-web-1


By default docker-compose will run foregrounded, and all the logs will be smashed together. I like to run in daemon mode, and then look at the logs on a service by service basis.

docker-compose logs solr 

and to follow the logs

docker-compose logs -f solr

Stopping running containers

Shut it all down!

docker-compose down

Shut only bits down

docker-compose down minio

Stateful data

Stateful data is handled via docker volumes. minio, solr, and postgres all house their data on named volumes. this allows a developer to maintain databases, indexes, and files between reboots of the application.

To delete all data for a component of the stack, for example, minio, make sure minio is turned off:

docker-compose down minio

then remove the volume

docker volume ls | grep minio # make note of the volume name. (this name should be deterministic)
docker volume rm scholarsphere-4_minio-data

If you just want to poke around at the data you can mount the volume in a container.

Get a listing of containers:

docker-compose images

Then use the name of the solr container to mount its data at the /data path:

docker run -it -v scholarsphere-4_solr-data:/data ubuntu bash

From within the new shell:

cd /data