HMDManager Programmer Notes - psmoveservice/PSMoveService GitHub Wiki
HMD Manager Programmer Notes
virtual bool startup() override;
void updateStateAndPredict(TrackerManager* tracker_manager);
bool open(const class DeviceEnumerator *enumerator) override;
// Recreate and initialize the pose filter for the HMD
void resetPoseFilter();
// Compute pose/prediction of tracking blob+IMU state
void updateOpticalPoseEstimation(TrackerManager* tracker_manager);
void updateStateAndPredict();
IDeviceInterface* getDevice() const override { return m_device; }
inline class IPoseFilter * getPoseFilterMutable() { return m_pose_filter; }
inline const class IPoseFilter * getPoseFilter() const { return m_pose_filter; }
// Estimate the given pose if the controller at some point into the future
CommonDevicePose getFilteredPose(float time = 0.f) const;
// Get the current physics from the filter position and orientation
CommonDevicePhysics getFilteredPhysics() const;
// Returns the full usb device path for the controller
std::string getUSBDevicePath() const;
// Returns the "controller_" + serial number for the controller
std::string getConfigIdentifier() const;
// Returns what type of HMD this HMD view represents
CommonDeviceState::eDeviceType getHMDDeviceType() const;
// Fetch the controller state at the given sample index.
// A lookBack of 0 corresponds to the most recent data.
const struct CommonHMDState * getState(int lookBack = 0) const;
// Get the tracking is enabled on this controller
inline bool getIsTrackingEnabled() const { return m_tracking_enabled && m_multicam_pose_estimation != nullptr; }
// Increment the position tracking listener count
// Starts position tracking this HMD if the count was zero
void startTracking();
// Decrements the position tracking listener count
// Stop tracking this HMD if this count becomes zero
void stopTracking();
// Get the tracking shape for the controller
bool getTrackingShape(CommonDeviceTrackingShape &outTrackingShape) const;
// Get the currently assigned tracking color ID for the controller
eCommonTrackingColorID getTrackingColorID() const;
// Get if the region-of-interest optimization is disabled for this HMD
inline bool getIsROIDisabled() const { return m_roi_disable_count > 0; }
// Request the HMD to not use the ROI optimization
inline void pushDisableROI() { ++m_roi_disable_count; }
// Undo the request to not use the ROI optimization
inline void popDisableROI() { assert(m_roi_disable_count > 0); --m_roi_disable_count; }
// get the prediction time used for region of interest calculation
float getROIPredictionTime() const;
// Get the pose estimate relative to the given tracker id
inline const HMDOpticalPoseEstimation *getTrackerPoseEstimate(int trackerId) const {
return (m_tracker_pose_estimation != nullptr) ? &m_tracker_pose_estimation[trackerId] : nullptr;
// Get the pose estimate derived from multicam pose tracking
inline const HMDOpticalPoseEstimation *getMulticamPoseEstimate() const {
return m_multicam_pose_estimation;
// return true if one or more cameras saw this controller last update
inline bool getIsCurrentlyTracking() const {
return getIsTrackingEnabled() ? m_multicam_pose_estimation->bCurrentlyTracking : false;
// Tracking color state
int m_tracking_listener_count;
bool m_tracking_enabled;
// ROI state
int m_roi_disable_count;
// Device State
IHMDInterface *m_device;
// Filter state
HMDOpticalPoseEstimation *m_tracker_pose_estimation; // array of size TrackerManager::k_max_devices
HMDOpticalPoseEstimation *m_multicam_pose_estimation;
class IPoseFilter *m_pose_filter;
class PoseFilterSpace *m_pose_filter_space;
int m_lastPollSeqNumProcessed;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> m_last_filter_update_timestamp;
bool m_last_filter_update_timestamp_valid;