HNQIS2 Configuration Training Sessions (Jan 27th, 2022) - psi-org/hnqis2 GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the HNQIS 2.0 Configuration Training. We hope you find the sessions of great use! This training consists of multiple sessions that focus on the HNQIS 2.0 programs configuration and setup.
You will follow a series of guided exercises that will get you through the basics of HNQIS2 programs and let you create new programs in no time!
The exercises are distributed in sessions to help you assimilate the concepts. Also, we've taken special care in detailing the steps so you can follow the process by yourself in case you want to take your time to practice later.
The training sessions are detailed and available below:
- Session #1: Starting with the Program Config App & HNQIS2
- Session #2: Updating checklists
- Session #3: Parents Hide/Show Logic
- To check the available features of the "Program Config App" on its v1.0 so all the participants will be able to use those features in HNQIS checklist configurations.
- To describe the usage of the Unified Configuration Template for building and making changes of HNQIS2 enabled programs hosted in DHIS2 servers.
- Welcome & Introduction (RM) [10 min]
- Quick overview of the Unified Configuration Template (ML) [5 min]
- Overview of the Program Config App (FG) [5 min]
- Instructions for the Guided Exercises (ML) [5 min]
- Guided Exercise: Creating a new checklist (ML & FG) [40 min]
- Q&A (ML & FG) [15 min]
- Closure (RM) [10 min]
Work server:
Username: <First letter of your name><Your last name>.h2t
Password: H2Training2022.
Please make sure you change your password when you Log In for the first time.
Examples of some usernames:
- Mario López -> mlopez.h2t
- Fernando Gómez -> fgomez.h2t
Participant | Username |
Abdi Ali Abdi | aabdi.h2t |
Adam Qodax | aqodax.h2t |
Aleck Dhliwayo | adhiliwayo.h2t |
Amber Sheets | asheets.h2t |
Ana María Espinoza | aespinoza.h2t |
Cristina Lussiana | clussiana.h2t |
Frackson Shaba | fshaba.h2t |
Herald Luwizghie | hluwizghie.h2t |
James Omutsani | jomutsani.h2t |
Leslie Bidi | lbidi.h2t |
Luigi Nunez | lnunez.h2t |
Rodolfo Melia | rmelia.h2t |
Ruth Mwende | rmwende.h2t |
Victor Mutoma | vmutoma.h2t |
To start working on this excercise access to the Program Config App from your Apps Menu.
This guide consists of 8 steps to help you create a new HNQIS2 enabled program. The steps are the following:
- Create a new HNQIS2 program
- Download the Unified Configuration Template
- Edit the Template
- Save changes
- Import the Template
- Validate and Save
- Set up program (Run Magic)
- Assign Org Units & Test the program
To create a new program with the necessary configurations for HNQIS2 you have to click on the "Add Program" button in the PCA menu bar (gray ) under the DHIS2 menu bar (blue
After clicking the "Add program" button, a window will prompt you to enter some data, please fill it as described below.
- Program Data Element Prefix: HNQIS2 <username>
- Name: Training1 HNQIS2 <username>
- Short Name: Training1 HNQIS2 <username>
- Use competency: Yes
- Select any Health Area
Once that's done, click the "Submit" button to save your configurations and then check that your program appears in the programs listing of the PCA.
Make sure that the program you created has exactly two program stages. We also suggest that you check later the program configurations in the Maintenance App so you can identify some of the key components in a HNQIS2 enabled program.
Once you have identified your program in the List of programs of the PCA, click on the > icon that appears on the far right of your program (next to the program stages count) to access the List of program stages.
The program stages listing has the same layout of the programs listing, the main difference is that the stages display a program stage sections count on the far right.
You may also notice that in the PCA menu bar the name of the program appears after Home, this is the Navigation Bar. You can click on Home to return to the programs listing, and it can help you identify which part of the app you're currently in.
After you're familiar with the layout yo can proceed to the Assessment stage of the HNQIS2 program, which you can identify as:
<Program Data Element Prefix>_Assessment
Click on the > icon on the far right to access the stage.
Currently the PCA only allows you to access stages that contain program stage sections, so in this version you won't be able to access the Action Plan section.
Once you access the Assessment stage you'll notice a much more different layout in the PCA menu bar. The left-most part of the menu bar still displays the navigation bar, while the other side displays a new set of buttons described below:
- Validate or Validate & Save: This button will initally display "Validate", but if you make any changes the button will change to "Validate & Save". This button validates all the metadata in the server (hence the Save when changes are made) used by the program, displaying any errors in a "Validation Errors" section.
- Set up program (Magic button): This button generates all the Program Rules logic configured in the Program and Data Elements. This button is only enabled after the validation has passed.
- Download Template: Exports the program configurations into the Excel Template and downloads the file.
- Import Template: Allows to upload an Excel Template to import configurations into the server.
- Reload: Reloads the content of the PCA.
The sections are rendered in a similar way as the programs and stages, but we'll explore that part later.
To download the template of our new program let's click on the "Download Template" button and open the downloaded file.
You'll notice that two files are downloaded, this is a small bug in the current version of the PCA. Both files are exactly the same, so you can delete one of those.
This template uses four type of elements defined by the value selected in the "Structure" column. The possible values are listed below:
Section: Every row under a section corresponds to that section until a new one is found.
label: The row will be treated as a label.
question: The row will be treated as a question.
score: The row will be treated as a score.
Make sure you're working on the Template tab in the Excel file. Then change the "Default" section name to:
General Information
Add a label under "General Information" with the following text:
For this test assessment you will be able to experience the main features of HNQIS 2.0. Please provide the requested information.
Remember to select label in the Structure column. You're not required to select a Value Type for labels.
You may have noticed that the Form name column was highlighted in red as soon as you selected label. This is the representation of validation errors in the Template, you will be able to check a list of all those validations in the HNQIS2 General Wiki in the future.
Next, we will add two questions right after the label we just created considering the following requirements:
An open "TEXT" question with the following text:
Name of the evaluator
Add a Compositive Indicator of 1.1 to this question.
Remember to set the Value Type as TEXT and make sure that there is no Option Set selected.
A mandatory (compulsory) "TEXT" question with the Option Set "HNQIS - RealSimulated" and the text:
Is this a Real or Simulated assessment?
Add a Compositive Indicator of 1.2 to this question.
For the Compulsory column, you can decide wether your questions will be required or not during the assessment. Select "Yes" to make a question mandatory or select "No" (or leave it blank) otherwise.
Feedback Text and Description columns are free text fields that can be filled when required but are not required.
In some cases, questions in a checklist need to be grouped into different sections so users can identify to which topic the questions belong to. Let's add a new Section with the name:
Facility Evaluation
Make sure that this section is right after the General Information section and that you're not replacing the Scores section.
The Scores section should not be modified. We also recommend keeping it after every other section in the checklist.
Now, let's add some questions to the Facility Evaluation section:
A critical and compulsory question with the option set "HNQIS - Yes1No0" with the following text:
Performs a correct trash disposal according to biological guidelines?
- Use "HNQIS - YesNo" as legend for this question.
- Add a Compositive Indicator of 2.1 to this question.
- Use 1 for both Numerator and Denominator.
A critical but non-compulsory question with the option set "HNQIS - Yes1No0" with the following text:
Explains the interpretation of results with reference for the client
- Use "HNQIS - YesNo" as legend for this question.
- Add a Compositive Indicator of 2.2 to this question.
- Use 1 for both Numerator and Denominator.
A non-critical and non-compulsory question with the option set "HNQIS - Yes1No0" with the following text:
Demonstrates confidence and professionalism?
- Use "HNQIS - YesNo" as legend for this question.
- Add a Compositive Indicator of 2.3 to this question.
- Use 1 for both Numerator and Denominator.
When using an Option Set in a question, make sure that the question's Value Type matches the Option Set's. For instance, in this exercise "HNQIS - Yes1No0" has "NUMBER" as Value Type. In the future we plan to add a feature to automate this step.
Now we have to add the final touches to our first HNQIS2 checklist. Let's proceed to the "Scores" section and we will add two scores (one for each section we created). Make sure you configure both as described:
In the first row under "Scores" select score in the Structure column, and add the following text:
General Information
Add a Compositive Indicator of 1 to this score.
In the next row select score once again, and add the following text:
Facility Evaluation
Add a Compositive Indicator of 2 to this score.
When defining scores you're only required to specify a Name and a Compositive Indicator.
You may have noticed that our scores in this example are all integer values (1 and 2), and the questions that contribute to those scores are a sequence nested into the score value (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc.). You can create a score of for a potential third and fourth sections with the value 3.1 and another for 3.2, and both sections would contribute to a score of 3 (you aren't limited to integer scores). And you can even keep nesting scores as much as you like!
Questions that contribute to the score 3.1 would follow a sequence like 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and so on. The same applies to score 3.2, where questions would follow a sequence of 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, etc.
The Compositive Indicators sequence must be continuous, this means that there cannot exist any gaps in the Compositive Indicators. For example: the sequence [ 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 ] is wrong, because 2.3 is missing.
If you want a section to appear in the Feedback of an Assessment a score for that section must exist. Even if there are no scored questions in that section!
Lastly, drag the formula in cell A3 of your worksheet up until you reach the last row used in column A (should be row 13 for this exercise). This step is necessary to generate a Variable Name (referred to as Parent Name) for each question.
We consider it a good practice to copy the formula all the way to the last row used even if the scores don't have a Parent Name.
It should end up looking like this:
And after all that work, we're done with our configurations and should be able to proceed with the next step!
After editing the Excel file do not forget to save.
Pro Tip: We recommend that you save regularily when working on any file so you don't lose any progress. Life can be mean sometimes!
The next step is to commit our changes to the DHIS2 server, to do this we need to upload our edited file to the PCA. Let's click on the "Import Template" button located in the right side of the PCA menu bar.
A window will appear requesting us to select a configuration file. Let's click on "Choose File" to open the File Explorer of our Operating System and select our edited template.
After selecting a file we have to click on "Import" which will read the file and display a preview and a summary of our changes before we store our configurations in the server.
The summary will display the number of new/updated/removed questions, sections and scores, so please make sure that the summary matches your intended configurations before proceeding.
If you find yourself stuck in any of the steps in the Import Status try to reload the page to check if your session is still active.
Now click on "Close" to check the preview of your configuration before saving your changes in the server.
You can expand and collapse the sections to check the contents of each one by clicking on the ˅ icon on the far right of each section.
The question on each section should be labeled as new, updated or removed. Also, each section should display a count of the Data Elements and specify how many of those are new or have been updated.
If you remove Data Elements from the program when importing a Template, a new temporary section named Removed will appear. There you're able to check every Data Element that will be removed when you click on Validate & Save.
After you've checked that all the imported changes are correct, the configurations are ready to be validated and saved in the current server.
Following the exercise, now you should click on "Validate & Save" and the app will display a new window and start a two steps process:
The uploaded content will be validated to ensure that all the configurations correct, in order to preserve its integrity. To check the validations that are executed please check PCA Validations.
After validations have been executed, there will be two possible scenarios:- Validation passed: there are no errors in the configurations and the metadata is ready to be saved. In this case we continue with the next step.
- Validation errors: there may be one or more errors in the current configurations. A new temporary section will be displayed indicating which elements contain errors. In this case we have to fix our configurations and try again.
If all validations passed, a button labeled Save will be displayed in the window, clicking it will store the data into the server.
Once you click the Save button, the saving process will start and the changes will be stored in the server.
If all the changes are successfully saved, you will see a new window with a success message. Otherwise an error message will be shown.
After the changes are saved, the tags that appeared on each Data Element and Section will be removed.
Every time you access to the program stage sections listing, the "Validate & Save" button will contain the text "Validate". This is because the validation must be executed every time the page is loaded to make sure that the configurations are correct before proceeding to the next step.
Once the program configurations have been validated and saved, the "Set up program" button becomes enabled.
Now let's click on "Set up program" to build the related program rules. This action will create the following components:
- Scores calculation
- Hide/Show Logic
- Labels text assignment
- Mandatory fields behavior
- Competency Class assignment*
* Competency Class program rules will be created only if the user selected to use this feature for the current checklist.
Once you click the "Set up program" button, a window will be displayed on screen indicating the status of the process. Once the process is finished, you can close the window and continue with the next step.
The last step before we can check the program in the Tracker Capture App is to assgin the program to an Org Unit. In the future the Program Config App will be able to assign Org Units without requiring the Maintenance App, but at the moment the feature is not implemented.
After assigning an Org Unit you should be able to test your configurations from both the Tracker Capture App and the Android Capture Application.
- To identify the checklist updating possibilities that the Program Config App offers so the participants will be able to add, update and remove components from their checklists in future implementations.
- To further demonstrate the usage of other Unified Configuration Template features not shown previously so the participants have full knowledge of the tools at their disposal.
- To experiment with the interactions of the Program Config App and DHIS2 servers so the participants will understand clearly how to properly apply their changes.
- Welcome (RM) [5 min]
- Brief recap (FG) [10 min]
- Instructions for the Guided Exercises (ML) [5 min]
- Guided Exercise: Updating an existing checklist using the Unified Configuration Template [35 min]
- Guided Exercise: Updating an existing checklist using the Program Config App [15 min]
- Q&A (ML & FG) [10 min]
- Closure (RM) [5 min]
Work server:
Username: <First letter of your name><Your last name>.h2t
Password: <The one you defined in the previous session>
Participant | Username |
Abdi Ali Abdi | aabdi.h2t |
Adam Qodax | aqodax.h2t |
Aleck Dhliwayo | adhiliwayo.h2t |
Amber Sheets | asheets.h2t |
Ana María Espinoza | aespinoza.h2t |
Cristina Lussiana | clussiana.h2t |
Frackson Shaba | fshaba.h2t |
Herald Luwizghie | hluwizghie.h2t |
James Omutsani | jomutsani.h2t |
Leslie Bidi | lbidi.h2t |
Luigi Nunez | lnunez.h2t |
Rodolfo Melia | rmelia.h2t |
Ruth Mwende | rmwende.h2t |
Victor Mutoma | vmutoma.h2t |
For this exercise we will continue working on the program we created in the last session. Let's access the Program Confg App and find our Training Program. Remember that your program name should follow the format Training1 HNQIS2 <username>.
Once you've found your program, navigate through the app until you reach your program's Assessment section and you can see the checklist we created.
This guide consists of 6 steps to help you update a HNQIS2 enabled program from the import of a template. The steps are the following:
- Download the Unified Configuration Template
- Remove a compontent in the Template
- Modify components in the Template
- Add components in the Template
- Import the Template
- Validate, Save, Set up & Test the program
Just like in the previous session, to download the template of your program let's click on the "Download Template" button and then open the downloaded file.
Remember that there is a bug that downloads two templates. Both files are exactly the same, so you can delete any of those.
Now let's open the updated template (the one that you just downloaded).
To remove a component in the template you simply have to delete the whole row containing the desired component.
In this exercise we will delete the question containing the text:
Is this a Real or Simulated assessment?
You can identify it by checking that the Parent Name of the question is _S1Q3. To remove it delete row 6, which should be the row containing that question in this exercise.
Make sure that you are deleting the whole row and not just a range of cells. You can delete a complete row by right-clicking it and selecting Delete.
After that, make sure you save your file so you don't lose any progress if anything happens.
When you're working on any checklist, you can remove as many components as you want (including sections). Remember that all the Data Elements must be contained inside of a section.
Now, to update any component you simply have to edit the contents of any cell. In this exercise we will change the text of the label with Parent name _S1Q1 from:
For this test assessment you will be able to experience the main features of HNQIS 2.0. Please provide the requested information.
Please provide all the requested information.
Also, for ALL the questions in the Facility Evaluation section do the following:
- Change both Numerator and Denominator from 1 to 2.
- Add the legend "HNQIS - YesNo" (In case it is missing).
Next, we'll set the Feedback Text and Description (leave empty if not specified) for each of those questions in the Facility Evaluation section as follows:
For question _S2Q1 (Row 7):
Make sure that you're evaluating using the most recent biological guidelines. This question is critical.
For question _S2Q2 (Row 8):
Feedback Text
This way the client will remember what one line on either the control or test area mean and what two lines or no line mean. They must also be able to determine what to do after getting either result.
This question is critical.
For question _S2Q3 (Row 9):
Evaluate accordingly with the profile provided. This question is non-critical.
Remember to save your changes.
Lastly, let's add a non-critical but compulsory question right before the Scores section with the following text:
Has nurse tester undergone a proficiency test in the past 12 months?
Use the option set "HNQIS - Yes1No0" (Value Type NUMBER).
Use "HNQIS - YesNo" as legend for this question.
Leave blank both Numerator and Denominator.
Add a Compositive Indicator of 2.4 to this question.
Add a Description with the following text:
Answering "Yes" to this question enables a new set of questions.
Let's add a new Section before the Scores section with the text:
Proficiency testings
Then lets create a non-critical and non-compulsory open DATE question in that new section with the following text:
When did the nurse tester undergo proficiency testing? [REVIEW LATER]
Remember to drag the formula in cell A9 of your worksheet up until you reach the last row used in column A (should be row 15 for this exercise).
We're currently working on a feature to skip this formula copying step.
After applying all the changes you should end up having a configuration like this:
Now we're done with the checklist update, save your changes and proceed with the next step.
Import the template following the same steps described in Session #1.
After importing, you'll notice that a new Temporary Section named Removed appeared at the top. This section contains all the questions that will be removed from the program after saving the changes. Currently it should contain exactly 1 Data Element.
After checking that the configurations are correct, remember to click on "Validate & Save". In the new window, if all the validations pass then click on "Save" and then close the window.
The structure of the checklist should now look like this:
Now click on "Set up program" to re-generate the program rules.
Keep in mind that if you run into any issues in any of these steps, reloading the app may solve most of the issues.
Finally, we can test the program using the Tracker Capture App or the Android Capture App.
Once you've completed the previous exercise you can proceed with the update process using the Program Config App.
For this exercise you'll have to follow these steps:
Now we've experienced the configuration capabilities of the Unified Configuration Template, but there's also other ways to configure your programs in the Program Config App.
For instance, you're able to reorder the components of your checklists (questions, labels & sections) by simply dragging and dropping in the app.
For this little excercise we will temporarily reorder our sections. Start by left-clicking and holding the = icon in the General Information section.
Then, while still holding your mouse's left-click, move the section after the Facility Evaluation section. The result should look like this:
This change hasn't yet been saved in the server, to do so you will need to click the "Validate & Save" button, but first let's reorder our questions in the General Information section. Expand the section by clicking on the ˅ icon on the far-right.
You'll notice that the ˅ icon will change to a ^ icon after expanding the section, this indicates that clicking it once more will collapse its content.
Then, shift the position of Name of the evaluator and Please provide all the requested information in the same way you moved the General Information section. The result should look like this:
Now, if you want your changes to be applied you should click on the "Validate & Save" button. Also, after the changes are applied don't forget to rebuild your program rules by clicking the "Set up program" button.
You can check that your changes have been applied by reloading the app, or by testing the checklist in the Tracker Capture App or the Android Capture App.
However, this is not the structure that we want in our program, so let's return our checklist to the original order. If you didn't save your changes you can reload the app and the changes will be discarded, but if you saved the changes reorder your program so it looks like this:
Then click on "Validate & Save" and then click on "Set up program".
You may have noticed that one of the new questions included the text [REVIEW LATER], we will now remove that text by updating the Data Element directly from DHIS2.
Start by expanding the Proficency testings section to find the question with the text:
When did the nurse tester undergo proficiency testing? [REVIEW LATER]
You can open the Data Element in DHIS2 by clicking the icon on the far-right of the question.
This will open a new Tab with the Maintenance Page for that specific Data Element, now let's change the Form Name of the Data Element to:
When did the nurse tester undergo proficiency testing?
Which should look like this:
You can change several configurations of every question from the Maintenance App, not just the Form Name of the Data Element. This can be used in case you made a mistake in one or two questions so you don't have to download the Template, make the changes and upload it once again.
Many of the configurations are made in the HNQIS2 Metadata Attribute, and are stored in JSON format. We don't recommend changing any values directly from this Attribute as this may severely impact the operations of the Program Config App.
After you're done with the changes, make sure you click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page. Then you'll be redirected to the Maintenance App, you can close this Tab and return to the Program Config App.
To reflect the changes made you'll have to reload the Program Config App, then click on "Validate", then click on "Save" and finally click on the "Set up program" button.
After all the process, the result should look like this:
Then you can check your changes in the Tracker Capture App or the Android Capture App. In the next session we will dive deeper in the creation of Hide/Show rules for checklists.
Please take some minutes to let us know your opinion about this Training Session 😊
You can provide your feedback in the following form.
If you're unable to access the Feedback form, try copying this URL
This will help us improve for future sessions.
Thank you for being part of this project!