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What is pseultra?

pseultra is a set of tools used to create homebrew games for the N64 without the use of Nintendo's copyrighted source, object, or tool material. It is simple to use, and only requires a MIPS toolchain

Current tools


boot contains the source for custom IPL3 bootcode, which can be used instead of Nintendo's copyrighted bootcode to keep your ROMs legal. The bootcode sets up various N64 related registers, and loads a specified boot segment to the ROM at 0x80001000 and jumps to it.

See more at "Tool: boot"


bootcsum provides two tools for calculating and reversing the checksum used in the IPL2 stage of the N64's PIF ROM code to verify the ROM bootcode integrity.


makerom allows for the creation of N64 roms by taking in many relocatable object files and a specification file spec describing their RAM and ROM locations. makerom is tailored for use with the bootcode provided in pseultra/boot, but may be easily forked to fit with the Nintendo bootcode.