Pinouts for Processors and Tested Boards - pschatzmann/arduino-vs1053 GitHub Wiki


VS1053 Comment ESP32 ESP8266 RP2040 STM32 Blackpill UNO R4
SCK SPI Serial Clock 18 D5 D18 PA_5 D13
(MI)SO SPI Master Input ← Slave Output 19 D6 D16 PA_6 D12
(MO)SI SPI Master Output → Slave Input 23 D7 D19 PA_7 D11
(X)CS SPI Chip Select: Configured in Sketch 5 D1 D17 PA_1 D6
(X)DCS Data Chip Select: Configured in Sketch 16 D0 D9 PA_2 D7
DREQ Data Request: Configured in Sketch 4 D3 D10 PA_3 D2
(X)RST Hardware Reset Pin: low=reset 15 RST D11 PA_4 D8
CS_SD CS Pin for SD Drive D9
5V Power Supply 5V 5V VBUS 5V VIN

The pins marked as Configured in Sketch are just proposals that can be changed in your sketch. The setup is for for the Arduino SPI object. The RP2040 was using the implementation from Earl Phil Hower.

Breakout Boards

I was mainly using some cheap Chinese boards for my tests:


This board is easy to use and I did not have any issues. The major drawback however is that it uses only a VS1003: vs1003

Note that the pin marked as CS is standing for XCS !


I had plenty of issues with this board and in the beginning I did not get any sound out of it - though the SPI was working properly - but suddenly it started to work.

Note that the pin marked as CS is for the SD drive!

Alientek VS1053

VS1053 MP3 Shield

This board is a shield for the Arduino UNO and also contains an SD drive!