Release Process - promregator/promregator GitHub Wiki

Create a new major/minor release

  1. Create a new "rel-x.y" branch from "master"
  2. On "master" bump the version in pom.xml to "x.(y+1).0-SNAPSHOT". Update the version used in "quickstart-docker" as well.
  3. On "rel-x.y" bump the version in pom.xml to "x.y.0". Update the version used in "quickstart-docker" as well.
  4. Run the CI Job for "rel-x.y". It will automatically create a new Docker image; the release file is attached as "archive" to the build
  5. Create a new release in github with reference to the current "rel-x.y" branch. All tags created must start with "v". The version number released then is followed (e.g. "v1.2.3"). Title has the format "Version vx.y.z Released". Use the template for release notes below. Alternatively, you may also use the content at the prep page if that is maintained.
  6. On "rel-x.y" bump the version in pom.xml to "x.y.1-SNAPSHOT".

Create a new patch version release

It is assumed that the version in pom.xml on the corresponding rel-x.y branch is called x.y.z-SNAPSHOT right now.

  1. On "rel-x.y" bump the version in pom.xml to x.y.z. Update the version used in "quickstart-docker" as well.
  2. Run the CI Job. It will automatically create a new Docker image; the release file is attached as "archive" to the build
  3. Create a new release in github with reference to the current "rel-x.y" branch. All tags created must start with "v". The version number released then is followed (e.g. "v1.2.3"). Use the template for release notes below.
  4. On "rel-x.y" bump the version in pom.xml to "x.y.(z+1)-SNAPSHOT".

Release Notes Template

This is release vX.Y.Z of promregator. With this release the following changes are provided:

## Must-Know Information

## Good-To-Know Information / New Features

## Bug fixes

## Delivery
This release of Promregator is delivered via the following channels:

1. via jar-binary package (see attached)
2. via jar-binary package available on [Maven Central]( (via the [OSSRH]( process, primary host is [OSS Sonatype](;quick~com.github.promregator), further OSS Maven mirrors will follow automatically over time)
3. via Docker container available at

You may verify the consistency of your download using the hash values/checksums provided in the attached file ending with ".hashsums". That file has been signed by [Promregator's official signing key](