Tracker Changelog - projecthorus/sondehub-amateur-tracker GitHub Wiki

This page describes recent changes made to the SondeHub-Amateur Tracker.

The commit history for this repository is the 'source of truth' of what has changed in the code, though the sections below attempt to describe the changes in easier to understand terms!


Added/fixed the following settings:

  • Show Low Altitude APRS (DEFAULT: OFF) - If enabled, show tracks & positions from APRS payloads that have not exceeded 1500m ASL. This is disabled by default to help de-clutter the map. Enable this to see your payload on the ground.
  • Show Testing Payloads (DEFAULT: OFF) - If enabled, show tracks & positions from payloads marked as 'testing'. This includes payloads with callsigns '4FSKTEST' and '4FSKTEST-V2', and any telemetry uploaded from uploader_callsign 'MYCALL'.


  • Added 'Constrain Float Prediction' setting, which limits the variation in start altitude to +/- 100m for float predictions, instead of the usual +/- 1000m.
  • The 'Plots' links in each payload's info pane now links to a dashboard more specific for the payload's modulation, e.g. APRS, WSPR, or everything else.