Performance Evaluation (Memo) - project-hatohol/hatohol GitHub Wiki
Date: 2015/09/16 20:00
- Machine1
- OS: CentOS7
- Components
- Hatohol server
- events-statistics-system-wide-4 (3b5de1868da2e)
- serverRabbitMQ
- MariaDB
- Hatohol server
- OpenStack instance
- bogomips: 6983.82
- Memory: 8GB
- Machine2
- OS: Ubuntu 15.04
- Component:
- Event generation rate
- approx. 310 events/sec.
- Event record rate
- approx. 35 events/sec.
Date: 2015/09/25 20:00
I changed the number of test plugin processes (<g> in the following command line) that generate dummy events concurrently. The write rate in Hatohol server increase as them up to approx. 32 processes.
$ PYTHONPATH=~/hatohol/server/tools ./ -n 10000 -g <g>
- g=1: Elapsed time: 281.050 [s], rate: 35.6 [events/s]
- g=2: Elapsed time: 256.141 [s], rate: 39.0 [events/s]
- g=4: Elapsed time: 130.551 [s], rate: 76.6 [events/s]
- g=8: Elapsed time: 66.859 [s], rate: 149.6 [events/s]
- g=16: Elapsed time: 37.858 [s], rate: 264.1 [events/s]
- g=32: Elapsed time: 22.657 [s], rate: 441.4 [events/s]
- g=64: Elapsed time: 18.916 [s], rate: 528.6 [events/s]
- g=128: Elapsed time: 26.421 [s], rate: 378.5 [events/s]
I think the reason why the write rate increase is that CPU is efficiently utilized as the number of the threads of HatoholArmPluginGateHAPI2 instances increase because they often wait for I/O in the MariaDB (MySQL) library.
Note that the used machines and configuration are basically the same as the above log of 2015/09/16, although the following components are updated.
- Hatohol: hatohol-server-15.07_dev1_20150916_105927-1.el7.centos.x86_64
- test-chocolat: fcd52bf
Date: 2015/09/25
I changed the chunk size (the number of events in putEvent call) and measure the performance. It increased as the chunk size.
Although I had thought that it had a great effect because the number of transaction reduces, the dependency is not greater than I expected from the following measured results.
Condition: <g>=16
- c=1 Elapsed time: 37.858 [s], rate: 264.1 [events/s] (sited from the above)
- c=2 Elapsed time: 29.197 [s], rate: 342.5 [events/s]
- c=3 Elapsed time: 26.621 [s], rate: 375.6 [events/s]
- c=5 Elapsed time: 22.928 [s], rate: 436.2 [events/s]
- c=10 Elapsed time: 22.092 [s], rate: 452.7 [events/s]
- c=100 Elapsed time: 22.358 [s], rate: 447.3 [events/s]
Date: 2015/9/30 11:56
When Hatohol server, DB(MariaDB) server, and RabbitMQ server run on different virtual machines, the simple benchmark result (g=1, c=1) was approx. 20events/s.
$ PYTHONPATH=~/hatohol/server/tools ./ -n 1000 Delete existing monitoring server: events-generator:0 (ID: 3) Registered a monitoring server for event generation: events-generator:0 (ID: 4) Generator: events-generator:0, # of events: 1000 Chunk size: 1 Receiver: events-generator:0 Got response of exchange profile 309.935 events/sec. 309.499 events/sec. 310.673 events/sec. Completed: Generator: events-generator:0 Joined one process: 19762 Joined one process: 19763 Elapsed time: 50.051 [s], rate: 20.0 [events/s] Saved parameters: parameters.yaml
$ sudo nova-manage vm list | grep cho | awk '{ print $1 "\t" $2 }' chocolat-hatohol-server opy3 chocolat-db opy2 chocolat-hatohol-web opy1 chocolat-rabbitmq botcom1