10 MultiPlayerGames - project-SIMPLE/simple.toolchain GitHub Wiki
Link to the example model: LinkToUnity/Models/Code Examples/Multi player game.gaml
The general idea is to manage the interactions between players through GAMA.
- When a player « modify » the world, it sends a message to GAMA, then GAMA sends a message to all players to inform about this modification.
- Possibility to use a Unity Properties defined in GAMA to represent the other players through the use of the variable "player_unity_properties" of the Unity Linker.
As an example, we define an interaction where we let the players modify the color of pylon by their color through ray interaction.
In GAMA: we define an action in Unity Linker that changes the color of a given pylon and sends a message to all players about this change
species unity_linker parent: abstract_unity_linker {
//action that will be called from unity with two argument: the id of the pylon selected, the player that change the color of the pylon
action change_color(string id, string player) {
//pylon that was selected
pylon the_pylon <- pylon first_with (each.name = id) ;
//player that triggers the action
unity_player the_player <- unity_player first_with (each.name = player) ;
if (the_pylon != nil) {
// change the color of the pylon agent
the_pylon.color <- the_player.color;
//send a massage to all the players to change the color of the given pylon for all the players
do send_message players: unity_player as list mes: ["id"::id, "color"::[the_pylon.color.red,the_pylon.color.green,the_pylon.color.blue, the_pylon.color.alpha]];
In Unity: we define a new class to serialize the message from GAMA. The color is represented by a list of 4 values (red, green, blue, alpha):
public class ChangeColorMessage
public string id;
public List<int> color;
public static ChangeColorMessage CreateFromJSON(string jsonString)
return JsonUtility.FromJson<ChangeColorMessage>(jsonString);
In Unity: we add a new behavior in the method « other update » of the Simulation Manager to serialize the message and update the corresponding pylon color.
//action activated at the end of the update phase (every frame)
protected override void OtherUpdate() {
if (message != null) {
Color c = new Color32(BitConverter.GetBytes(message.color[0])[0], BitConverter.GetBytes(message.color[1])[0],
BitConverter.GetBytes(message.color[2])[0], BitConverter.GetBytes(message.color[3])[0]);
GameObject obj = SelecableObjects[message.id];
SimulationMultiPlayerExample.ChangeColor(obj, c);
message = null;
In Unity: we define what will happens when a pylon is selected, i.e. a message is sent to GAMA to change the color of the pylon.
protected override void SelectInteraction(SelectEnterEventArgs ev) {
if (remainingTime <= 0.0)
GameObject obj = ev.interactableObject.transform.gameObject;
if (("selectable").Equals(obj.tag)) {
Dictionary<string, string> args = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{"id", obj.name },
ConnectionManager.Instance.SendExecutableAsk("change_color", args);
remainingTime = timeWithoutInteraction;