Documentation Home - prman-pixar/RenderManForBlender GitHub Wiki
This is the home of the PRMan for Blender addon. The addon is a free way to try and learn how to use Pixar's RenderMan rendering software with the Blender animation solution. If you're just getting started, please take a look at the links below.
If you are used to rendering in Blender and particularly with the Cycles Renderer, then RenderMan should feel familiar. Here are the particular features of the RenderMan render settings.
- Sampling
- Motion Blur
- Integrator settings
- Outputs (AOVs)
- Advanced Settings
- Exporting , Rendering and Denoising outside of Blender
Path tracing, sampler settings and noise reduction tips
- Tutorial: AOV's and LPE's for Dummies (and the rest of us)
Supporting all the RIS patterns and bxdfs from RenderMan, as nodes in a standard Blender node graph.
For more information on a specific node please see the RenderMan documentation or mouse over a parameter on a node for the tooltips.
Standard Blender light types are supported. Simply translated to the RenderMan equivalent.
Interactive Rendering is rendering mode that allows instant updates to a render while editing lights, materials. It performs full lighting and shading calculations in real time to give the actual image one would see from rendering.