Running Shoes - pret/pokered GitHub Wiki

Hi guys! This code was provided to me by Luna so credit to that person!

Anyway, what this code does is it makes the player run at double walking speed when holding B, 4x walking speed while holding B on bike, and the surfing speed is also double running speed.

You should also note that your current save file may not be compatible with these changes, as you might be unable to move when you load the game. Restarting your progress will solve this issue, but if there is no problem, then no need to restart.

Here are the lines you gotta add in home/overworld.asm starting at about line 284:


	ld a, [wd736]
	bit 6, a ; jumping a ledge?
	jr nz, .normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement
	call DoBikeSpeedup
+	call DoBikeSpeedup
+	call DoBikeSpeedup
+	jr .notRunning
+	; surf at 2x walking speed
+	ld a, [wWalkBikeSurfState]
+	cp $02
+	jr z, .surfFaster
+	; Holding B makes you run at 2x walking speed
+	ld a, [hJoyHeld]
+	and B_BUTTON
+	jr z, .notRunning
+	call DoBikeSpeedup
+	;original .normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement continues here
	call AdvancePlayerSprite
	ld a, [wWalkCounter]
	and a

Done! Not too bad, eh?