Restore the PRESENTS subtitle under the Game Freak logo in the intro animation - pret/pokered GitHub Wiki

This tutorial will restore the "PRESENTS" under the Game Freak logo in the intro, restoring it to how it was in the original Red and Green.

Open engine/movie/intro.asm:

Find this block of code.

	farcall AnimateShootingStar
	push af
	pop af
	jr c, .next ; skip the delay if the user interrupted the animation
	ld c, 40
	call DelayFrames

Change it to:

	farcall AnimateShootingStar
	push af
	pop af
	jr c, .next ; skip the delay if the user interrupted the animation
+       hlcoord 7, 11   ; starting coordinate
+       ld a, $67       ; starting tile ID
+       ld c, $06       ; number of tiles
+ .loop
+       ld [hli], a
+       inc a
+       dec c
+       jr nz, .loop
	ld c, 40
	call DelayFrames