Remove 25% chance for enemy stat down moves to miss - pret/pokered GitHub Wiki

Remove 25% chance for enemy stat down moves to miss

In generation I, the enemy has a 25% chance to miss a stat down move. Some "stat down" moves are: Tail Whip, Growl, String Shot, etc... If you want to make the game a little bit more challenging, its a good idea to remove this effect. Head to engine/battle/effects.asm and delete (or comment out) the following lines:

        ld de, wEnemyMoveEffect
	ld bc, wPlayerBattleStatus1
-       ld a, [wLinkState]
-       jr z, .statModifierDownEffect
-       call BattleRandom
-       cp 25 percent + 1 ; chance to miss by in regular battle
-       jp c, MoveMissed
	call CheckTargetSubstitute ; can't hit through substitute

That's it.