Add caught icon to already in pokédex mons - pret/pokered GitHub Wiki

Just add this piece into \engine\battle\core.asm.

I set it here for the unused Japanese opening quote (you can edit the gfx\font\font_battle_extra.png file; namely, substitute the "upside down L" at the beginning of the second line of this file with whichever symbol you like. This symbol, which corresponds to a tile, i.e. 8x8 pixels, is in location $72 in the VRAM address, because font_battle_extra gets loaded from position $60. Thus, the tile we want to edit is the $12-th, i.e. the 18th of that file, i.e. the third of the second line.)

I took this piece from Red++.


		xor a
		ldh [hAutoBGTransferEnabled], a
		hlcoord 0, 0
		lb bc, 4, 12
		call ClearScreenArea
		callfar PlaceEnemyHUDTiles
+	;============================== start of code to add the caught symbol
+	push hl
+	ld a, [wEnemyMonSpecies2]
+	ld [wd11e], a
+	ld hl, IndexToPokedex
+	ld b, BANK(IndexToPokedex)
+	call Bankswitch
+	ld a, [wd11e]
+	dec a
+	ld c, a
+	ld b, FLAG_TEST
+	ld hl, wPokedexOwned
+	predef FlagActionPredef
+	ld a, c
+	and a
+	jr z, .notOwned
+	coord hl, 1, 1 ; horizontal/vertical
+	ld [hl], $72 ; replace this with your Poké Ball icon or other character
+	.notOwned
+	pop hl
+	;============================== end of new code
		ld de, wEnemyMonNick
		hlcoord 1, 0
		call CenterMonName
		call PlaceString
		hlcoord 4, 1
		push hl
		inc hl