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k8s Architecture MASTER NODE, responsible for managing the cluster does the control with set of Components called Control Plane. ETCD is a keyvalue pair that comprises info about the nodes. ETCD is a database.

Schedular identifies right node to place the container on overseeing the policies(taints/tolerations)


  1. Node Controller -- Responsible for onboarding new nodes
  2. Replication Controller -- Maintains desired no of replicas run

KUBE-API SERVER: Responsible for orchestration in the cluster

KUBELET: Its an Agent that runs on each node in the Cluster, listens for instructions from Kube-Api server(Deploys/destroys containers on nodes). API server fetches status report from kubelet to monitor status of nodes and containers on them. Apps on the worker nodes need to communicate with each. Web server on node1 needs to communicate with db on node2. Communication b/w worker nodes is established by Ku

KUBEPROXY: Establishes/helps in the communication b/w worker nodes. It runs on all the WORKER NODES. It ensures necessary rules are in-place for this communication