FAQ - ponzu07/openpilot GitHub Wiki
カンマの公式FAQはこちら comma.ai/faq
Table of Contents
- openpilot
- comma two
- Why won't my comma two turn on?
- What is a Dongle ID?
- Where can I find my Dongle ID?
- How do I delete my drives?
- How can I reset the device?
- What is the comma two hardware?
- I can't see my screen while wearing polarized sunglasses
- Will the comma two kill my car battery?
- Can I adjust the brightness calibration?
- My storage space is filling up, How long are drive segments kept on my device?
- Development
- Discord Help
Discordやこのwikiを検索して異常な動作を確認してください。explorer](https://my.comma.ai) で興味のある segment を見つけ、右下の
Copy Current Segment
をクリックします。 #bug-reportsに移動して、問題の説明と一緒にセグメントを共有してください。
How to a Change a Specific Release?
See the instructions for how to checkout a specific release.
When are my videos uploaded to the cloud?
With comma prime, low quality videos and condensed logs are uploaded constantly, but at a maximum rate of 512kbps. When your device connects to wifi and the vehicle is stopped, it will upload the full logs and high quality videos.
Where are my videos stored? How can I stitch the segments together?
Videos are stored on the device in
as 1 minute segment directories. Each directory contains the log data and video inhevc
form. You can stitch these videos together using this command:
cat fcamera1.hevc fcamera2.hevc fcamera3.hevc > output.hevc
If you rename the videos in sequence, you can use the shorter command:
cat fcamera* > output.hevc
Yet another option that doesn't require any renaming, simply change the date and time to match the start of your drive:
cd /sdcard/realdata
find . -type f -wholename "*2020-08-01--09-01-14--*/*.hevc" -exec cat {} + > drive.hevc
Step by step guide for accessing video files here.
LeEco LePro 3、Snapdragon 821。バッテリーとドライバーカメラの赤外線カットフィルターを外しています。GPSはNEO-M8。
ハサミでトリミングして画面を固定できるマットなスクリーンプロテクターフィルムで、まぶしさを抑えて偏光レンズで画面を見られるようにしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 これamazonを使ってみました。
それはないはずです。 コンマ2は30時間以上使用しないと電源が切れるように設計されています。 そうは言っても、ハイブリッド車に使われている12Vバッテリーの中には、かなり小さいものもあります(主にコンピュータの起動に使われていて、その時に大きなハイブリッドバッテリーが12Vバッテリーを充電します)。 しかし、気になるのであれば、こちらのgithub commitに記載されているように、非活動時間を減らすことができます。
Can I adjust the brightness calibration?
Yes. Adjust the light sensor calibration in /persist/comma/params/d/BRIGHTNESS_M & BRIGHTNESS_B. M is multiplicative, whereas B is an offset. If it's good at night, but dim during the day, increase M. If it's too dim all the time, adjust B.
My storage space is filling up, How long are drive segments kept on my device?
Videos are saved on your device until additional room is needed. When less than 5GB or 10% of the drive space remains, the oldest segments will be deleted to clear up room. On the Comma 2, this results storage for around 12 hours of segments. The oldest segments will be deleted to make room for new segments even if the old segments have not been uploaded.
, devel
, and release
What is the openpilot development workflow? / What are the branches What do the LED colors mean?
The LED indicates the status of the inbuilt Panda (UNO).
* White: CAN send enabled
* Red: This is your panda's heartbeat(power). It fades in and out
* Green: Bad firmware or firmware flashing (only green, fast)
* Blue (static): CAN detected
* Blue (fades in and out): power saving
Discord Help
comma.ai is a very open company. Their developers spend a lot of time on the Discord Server working with users and collaborating with other community developers. This is awesome. But please don't abuse this. Asking questions that have already be answered is a waste of everyone's time. Wasting developer time, means slower improvements for us all.
Before Asking a Question
Please follow the instructions on the #Guidelines channel, specifically:
• Is it answered on https://comma.ai/faq ?
• Is it answered on https://wiki.comma.ai/ ?
• Is the answer found in the pins of a related channel? (Discord Pins)
• Has the question been asked before? (Discord Search)
• Have you read the channel description to confirm this is the correct place for your question?
How do I search on discord?
Basic word searching is simple, but you may have better luck if you use search modifiers:
So if you have a question about a Toyota Camry you should search in the #Toyota-Lexus channel such as:
in:#toyota-lexus <search term>
How do I read discord channel pins?
On the web app, it is as simple as clicking on the pin icon in the top right of the channel:
On the mobile app pins can be found by dragging from the right edge of the screen to the left.
How do I read the channel description?
On the mobile app, the channel description is located at the top of the page. If the description is truncated, you can click on it to read the entire contents:
On the mobile app the channel description can be found by dragging from the right edge of the screen to the left.